How to update the old closet

How to update the old closet

If you inherited the old grandmother's cabinet, or yours lost your former attractiveness, do not rush to throw it away. After all, before the furniture was made for conscience, from whole pieces of wood, and therefore you can try to turn on imagination and breathe a second life into such a solid product. You will receive a completely new item of the interior without significant cash costs. How to update the old closet?

Using wallpaper

This is the easiest way to help update the cabinet. For restoration, it is customary to use durable wallpapers, and non -woven or vinyl is perfect for this. There are several techniques for pasting the cabinet with wallpaper - completely or only individual parts.

Recommendations when updating the cabinet with wallpaper:

  • It is better not to use wallpaper such as on the walls so that the surfaces do not merge, otherwise it is recommended to glue only part of the cabinet. Unless your idea is in the visual expansion of space.
  • When pasting the walls with light wallpaper, select for the furniture of the panels, which have a bright color.
  • If the walls are pasted with a material with a pattern, then for the cabinet we advise you to use plain coatings.
  • With plain walls, you can finish the cabinet with bright, contrasting, with small or large pattern.
  • In addition, for external and interior design of furniture, it is not necessary to select the same wallpaper, they may differ.
  • For restoration of the cabinet, self -adhesive wallpaper that can imitate different coatings - wood, stone, metal are perfect.

Update by photographs

To update furniture, use photos - murals or your favorite photos. Furniture can be glued with one large photo canvas, or you can use small photos to create a composition called collage.

The work is carried out like this:

  1. The surface of the old cabinet is cleaned of the old finish, whether it be a layer of paint or varnish. To do this, you can use both a special grinding machine and ordinary sandpaper.
  2. Wipe the closet with a cloth to remove the formed dust and dirt.
  3. Then the working space is covered with a layer of primer, and white paint is applied on top, for example, acrylic.
  4. Photos glue, gently around the corners.
  5. If you plan to paste with pictures, not the entire cabinet, then you can paint the rest of the surface with a paint in harmony with the interior of the room.
  6. After drying the photo wallpaper or photos, cover the cabinet with colorless varnish to prevent damage and increase the quality of the finish.

Painting the old cabinet

Any furniture, including a cabinet, can be painted using the composition of any color, this also applies to repainting a dark structure into a bright:

  • First you need to carefully prepare the surface of the cabinet, cleaning it. To do this, both a grinding machine and sandpaper will fit. If desired, you can even disassemble the cabinet into the components to make it easier to work.
  • If cracks and chips are formed, put them with a special composition designed for furniture.
  • From above, the closet is covered with a primer in several layers so that the paint is more even.
  • To apply paint to furniture, it is recommended to use a spray gun to get a flat coating.
  • To maintain the texture of the tree, or if the surface defects are minimal, the paint is applied to one thin layer.
  • To get a more saturated color, cover the cabinet in several layers, each of them must completely dry before applying the next.
  • To achieve greater decorativeness and pearl shine of the surface, you can apply varnish on top.
  • To achieve the effect of marbleness on the parts of the furniture, process all parts of the cabinet that protrude in the paint with a sponge of foam rubber.
  • If you want to paint a dark cabinet with light tones paint, then the first layer should be made using white composition, and then use the selected paint.


Decoration with mirrors

The method of decoration of furniture with mirrors is popular, as it perfectly hides various defects that formed on the cabinet doors, and at the same time it is able to visually expand the space in the room. Buy a mirror of the required sizes (you can order individual manufacture) and attach to the doors using specially designed mounts. Also, liquid nails will fit for this.

Restoration of fabric

Often, old cabinets are tightened with fabric or decorated with this way only a door. The material is chosen, given the general style solution of the room and the color scheme of its decoration. But in any case, it is better to take a dense canvas, which does not have the ability to deform during operation. Under the layer of fabric, it is customary to place a thin foam. If it is absent, you can take a synthetic winterizer. The fabric is fixed on the back of the doors using liquid nails or fixing it with a furniture stapler.

New collage

Decoupage of furniture

If you apply a technique called decoupage, your old cabinet will radically transform and even take a central place in the interior. Well, the whole workflow briefly looks like this:

  1. For decor, you can use paper napkins, old newspapers, clippings from glossy magazines, paper prints with various drawings.
  2. First, the surface of the cabinet from the paintwork is cleaned. To do this, you will need sandpaper or machine.
  3. Any minor defects present on the basis are removed, whether it be scratches or chips.
  4. The cabinet should be primed and waited until the composition dries.
  5. Then apply the first layer of paint and leave to dry for 15 minutes.
  6. If you want some sections of the cabinet artificially aged and give the product a colorful look, this will help you paraffin that need to grate these areas.
  7. Now we proceed to the creation of the second layer. We take the paint tone lighter than the one that you used to create the previous layer.
  8. Doors, upper and lower transverse parts are painted with paint of a different color, and the transition line is glued with painting tape.
  9. Most often, the ends and boxes of the cabinet are decorated in the technique of decoupage. To do this, the napkin must be applied to the surface, moistening it with water and gently smoothing it. Make sure that there are no irregularities.
  10. From above, a decorative surface created using napkins is covered with PVA glue and wait for 20 minutes while it dries.
  11. After that, we return to the areas grated paraffin, and remove part of the paint.
  12. We cover the entire surface of the cabinet with varnish, it is better to make several layers.

Now you know how to update the old closet. Success!

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