How to choose a perforator for home

How to choose a perforator for home

Not every domestic master in the toolbox there is a perforator. But when conducting serious repairs, it is not necessary to do without it. The perforator will be needed when dismantling the old tile, screed, partitions, drilling and dumping holes. Buying a professional tool designed for permanent work with large loads is not always justified. Before going to the store, decide which types of work you need to execute.

Depending on the model, the perforator has from 1 to 3 modes of operation. The perforator with one mode performs one action - drilling. The engine has a horizontal location. Such a tool is convenient when mounting suspended ceilings. The vertical location of the engine allows the perforator to work in low-rotation mode. Choose a tool with three modes. This will help to perform any types of work. Many light perforators can be used as a screwdriver.

Stock Foto Perforate for home

Pay attention to the impact energy. At low impact energy, the perforator operation can be compared with the shock drill. Such a tool can quickly drill holes under the shelves, but dismantling solid old coatings and drilling of large diameter holes is impossible. Strong energy in 2 J will be sufficient at low loads. The optimal frequency of strikes is from 3500 to 5000 beats per minute.

Photo of shovel

The speed controller and the switches stopper is important. It is uncomfortable to keep your finger on the button, the locking switch makes it easier to work. The rotational speed is chosen, depending on the material and diameter of the hole. For concrete walls, the rotational speed is required below. In the characteristics of the tool, the diameter of drilling along concrete is indicated, pay attention to this indicator. The diameter of the opening depends on the type of cartridge.


When buying, connect the power tool and listen to how it works. No extraneous knobs should be heard, when turning off the turns should be reduced smoothly.

Photo Dismashing

Firm Manufacturer and price category are important. Manufacturers Bosch, Makita, Hitachi are producing not only professional perforators, but also less powerful, which are not intended for permanent use. You can find a reliable tool in terms of cost within 4-5 thousand rubles. Chinese perforators have bad reviews - quickly overheat, when breakdowns it is difficult to find a detail for replacement.

Photo Perforator1

For home use, choose a lightweight tool that has weight up to 4 kg, power - from 500 to 800 W and impact energy strength - up to 3 J. When buying, pay attention to the package - the presence of replaceable cartridges, additional nozzles and a convenient storage case.

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