How to choose a gas boiler for home heating

How to choose a gas boiler for home heating

In the heating system, the boiler occupies a central place. If the house is supplied to the house, the perfect option for housing heating is the gas boiler, selected taking into account the characteristics of the building.

Power boiler selection

Determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated room. To calculate the boiler power, use the ratio: 1 kW of power is able to warm 10 square meters. m. Square at home. For an accurate calculation, there are other formulas that take into account the material of the walls of the house, the degree of insulation and the location of the apartment in a high-rise building. Increase the resulting value by 25 percent, which will provide a power supply for the device in a calm mode. Do not buy very powerful boilers, they will often overheat and disconnect what is bad for burners and chimney. The low-power boiler is quickly broken due to constant overload.

Wall boilers

Designed for heating apartments in high-rise homes and mansions ranging from 50 to 500 square meters. m. Product capacity - from 15 to 55 kW. There are mini-boiler rooms with built-in equipment - burner, expansion tank, automation, security system, etc. They have small dimensions, so they are often installed in the kitchen and in the bathroom. The principle of water heating - flowing. We are divided into two types:

  • Single-mounted - apply only for heating, for example, in a house where there is only centralized hot water supply.
  • DualContourism - simultaneously heating the house and supply the owners of hot water. Used in apartments without centralized heating and hot water supply. Capable to heat 10-15 liters of water per minute.

Wall-mounted boilers with turbocked gas duct

In such boilers an open combustion chamber. To remove combustion products, the traditional vertical chimney is not required. It is located horizontally, passes through the wall and displays the smoke beyond the placement. Traction creates a fan built into the boiler. The disadvantage - the oxygen burns out in the room, so it is necessary to provide a constant inflow of fresh air into the room.

Wall-mounted boilers with closed chimney

Designed for apartments in high-rise houses, where in principle there is no chimney. Allows you to organize apartment heating. The boiler is equipped with a closed combustion chamber that works with a coaxial chimney. The device consists of two pipes installed in each other. On one pipe, smoke is forced, on the other to the boiler comes fresh air.

Outdoor boilers

Designed for heating large areas. They have a cast-iron heat exchanger, weigh up to 150 kg, installed in a separate room. Very reliable, with a minimum of electronics, have a long service life. To install, you need to purchase additional devices - pump, expansion tank, etc.). The boiler with a built-in boiler is able to heat more than 120 liters of water per minute. Such devices are bought if, in addition to heating, there are many points of water intake - bathrooms, showers. A separate boiler can be connected to floor boilers.

General requirements for boilers

To use the boiler when operating, buy the device with the following properties:

  • Products should be equipped with automatic, providing good operating conditions and guaranteeing their safety. Very convenient automatic devices that do not require the presence of a person.
  • The automation should turn off the device if the flame goes out, the water disappears, water overheats, the voltage disappears. After eliminating the reasons, it is desirable that the device starts automatically.
  • It should be the possibility of installing a weekly programmer, which increases the cost of heating. The device automatically turns off the boiler when there is no one in the house, at night, etc. And starts at a predetermined time.

For a long time, only high-quality devices work and reliably work, so when buying do not hesitate to demand a quality certificate.

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