How to carry out gas in the house

How to carry out gas in the house

Upon completion of the main work on the construction of the house, they are moving to connecting communications. The optimal option is when gas heating and other amenities planned at the project stage and all thought out in advance. Another option is the gasification of an old house, where the delivery and installation of gas equipment for heating becomes an additional investment in real estate.

Private house gasification steps:

  • collection of documentation (acts, permits, agreements, agreements and confirmations on the ownership of the house and site);
  • the choice of the most suitable gas boiler, pipes and equipment acquisition;
  • obtaining technical approvals in the project organization;
  • design of gas pipe in the house;
  • installation work;
  • complete gas equipment and connection.

Full gasification of the house is not only the boiler and the stove, the system of automatic protection and adjustment of the pressure of the boiler is necessary. The gas supplied to the house, in the complex - equipped kitchen, convenient heating of all rooms around the perimeter, sauna or pool and heated garage.

It is possible to bring gas to the rural house and in the country area, but the gas service will require a bunch of documentation, including the site. Written agreement on the gasification of residential real estate in the country partnership will be required of neighbors, on whose territory the pipe will be laid. It will be attached to the shared package of documents.

SUPPLY Gasification of home ownership assumes:

  • ready package of documents;
  • cutting pipes in the nearest urban or rural gas pipeline;
  • branched network inside the structure;
  • installation of gas equipment and connecting to the plate, boiler and the meter.

Work on gasification areas for individual buildings often require harmonization with local authorities. This is important to agree in advance, the gas highway can cross the road and the territory of enterprises.

If the question arose "How to spend gas to a house?", Be prepared for the fact that this is a long process. Preparation for private household gasification assumes:

  • priority in the gas service;
  • project development by specialists;
  • collection of documents;
  • the overall readiness of the house to summarize the gas pipe.

The owner of the gas highway, most likely, in Gorghaz, on request, we get approval on the insertion into the gas pipeline. They will be sent to the project organization where the connection plan is prepared. On the finished project, the appropriate assembly organization will make the insert, and only after the adoption of your site of the gas pipeline, the commission can use all equipment. The most difficult thing is to collect all the documents, acts, copies and permits of technical services for gasification: VDPO, APU, BTI, etc. in each organization where the details of the required documents will be told. Listed everything in detail does not make sense, because in each case the list is a bit different. Old home ownership, a new construction site or a country village - to everyone will be your approach.

After the conclusion of the contract, you will have to arrange departure to the homeowner of the designer engineer for measurements. According to the finished measurement, design and estimate documentation for the gasified object is issued. Further concludes a contract for carrying out technical supervision and the implementation of installation work. Acceptance of the gas pipeline is held by the Commission on the appointed day, and the primary starter is carried out for the next day. To avoid additional costs, the installation of the entire set of gas equipment is planning in advance (counter, column, plates, etc.). Gas supplies will begin after a contract with GRA and prepay gas for a couple of months, as well as after setting up all gas equipment.

As for the site itself, the gas pipeline can be laid in two ways - ground and underground. Underground communications are paving specialized construction firms, and the depth of the pipe is determined by the regulatory acts.

Accelerate this process is difficult, so you should not try gasification in the midst of the heating season. All services and documents paid, finances will require considerable, about bank loan you need to think in advance. It is impossible to plan unauthorized cutting into the gas highway - this is criminalized.

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