How to choose a plot

How to choose a plot

The choice of land - the matter is not easy because the location of the private house or any other construction should be carefully thought out. It is from the qualities of this block of land that the structure will be erected, what requirements it will answer and what characteristics to have. Of course, it is necessary to start an assessment with the purpose of the site. It must fit your needs to avoid problems with renewal. It is also important to check which documents on the site has a seller. But this is not all that should pay attention to.

First, decide, outside the city, he must be or in his feature. If you prefer the first option, then another choice arises: a separate house or a plot in a closed village. Many specialists advise preferred the latest option. But it is important to actually appreciate your financial opportunities. After all, besides buying a plot and construction of the house, you will have to regularly pay for various services: from guarding to the destruction of garbage. Yes, and the peculiarities of the appearance of the house in such a village can be very limited, because it must match the development plan.

If you are planning to go to the city daily, then pay attention to the transport connection, the condition of the roads. It is important to estimate the cost of time and money for such a passage. But plots in the city are more expensive, but are usually obviously more suitable for the construction of a residential building.

Secondly, appreciate the distance of the selected area to ecologically negative objects. They may be all kinds of factories and plants, landfills, large highways and so on. I will not extend the sources of strong noise. All sorts of production or entertainment institutions can greatly spoil life.

Thirdly, appreciate how attractive this plot for buyers. After all, if in the future you want to sell it, then many problems associated with its location can occur.

Pay attention to the size and shape of the selected area. They must correspond to the area of \u200b\u200bthe house that you are going to build. An equally important is the orientation of the house on the parties of light. But for this, the plot should be at least square or rectangular.

Suitable relief can save you from many spending. Therefore, it should be appreciated. See where water will be gathered after the rain, as you can get out. Of course, the inclined surface, the presence of large protrusions and depressions are negative characteristics that have to be corrected before construction.

The composition and quality of the soil is also important, because the type of foundation largely depends on them. If you plan to have trees, bushes and lawn on the plot, then evaluate the presence or absence of a fertile layer, which may have to be even delivered separately.

First, pay attention to the driveway to the selected area. It is soil, asphalt or other species. If you have a car, then this is a very important characteristic. Evaluate the width of this road. If it is narrow, then some construction equipment can simply not drive to the site. Or several cars will not be able to disperse on it. It will not be superfluous to learn and plans to further its device. For example, can you deal with it yourself and together with your neighbors or allocate money from the local budget.

Secondly, find out about the availability of public transport. Even if you have long used your car, there will be no good transport links.

Thirdly, ask the presence of communications. Sewerage, water supply and gas pipeline are necessary for the construction of a comfortable home. If they are not spent to the very plot, then there should be nearby. So it is important to find out how much the connection to them will cost and is it possible at all.

Fourth, appreciate what is located next to the selected area. All sorts of infrastructure facilities will be very by the way. We are talking about schools, kindergartens, courts, pools, shops, cinemas, and so on.

Adhere to these simple recommendations and do not neglect professional help to choose a really good land.

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Alina 06/29/2015 at 23:18

What is the point of having a plot within the city? In Moscow, and so do not extend, I want to spend the weekend in the fresh air. We bought a good area - on the banks of the river, with a conduited electricity (in the village own substation), good roads. I do not exchange any other.

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