How to choose a computer chair

How to choose a computer chair

Nowadays, computers are thoroughly fixed in the life of almost every family. Many can no longer present their life without a fixed computer or laptop. At the same time, technical progress sometimes brings with them a number of negative consequences. Long-term monitor seat may not only adversely affect vision, but also lead to serious problems with the spine. To avoid sad health consequences, you must first take care of the right choice of a computer chair. Consider how not to be mistaken when it is purchased, taking into account the intensity of using a home computer.

If the need for a computer is limited to two three hours per day, it is not necessary to buy something narrowly and complex - you can buy any comfortable chair. The main thing is that it harmoniously fits into the interior of the room. It can be a simple wooden chair with a comfortable back, original designer or budget office chair. Such a choice involves the minimum of custom elements, sometimes enough to regulate the height of the seating.

For those who spend at a computer or laptop about 5 hours, a simple model will no longer be the best option. It is better to take a chair on wheels with good adjustment capabilities. At least, there should be no problems with adjusting the height / depth of seating, the height / tilt back. Chief chair Choose an orthopedic shape, take care of the lower back, its treatment will cost more.

Those who work most of the day at the computer should see the models that are not limited to the adjustments listed in the previous paragraph. In a modern road, you can easily change your position, sometimes there is a head restraint and footrest. The back of an advanced armchair is capable of bent at different angles, seals made of high-quality material in the seat and the back is balanced by the load on the spine. Some firms produce models for orders for a specific person. There are options that allow even work in a vertical position - they choose people with serious problems with the spine.

It is especially attentive to be, choosing a computer chair for a child. If the schoolboy will be engaged for a long time for an incorrectly chosen chair, the spine will be twisted over time. To avoid this, you need to choose a chair with a small, slightly curved inside the back. Product proportions must provide a straight angle between the thigh and the shin of the child. This rule must be taken into account when adjusting the height of the chair. If the schoolboy does not yet get his feet to the floor, it is worth providing it with a footrest. The height of the back should be adjusted and not higher than the vanes of the child. The armrests in the children's chair are not required, the schoolboy will rely on the table of a suitable height.

In any case, it is worth paying attention to which materials were used by the furniture manufacturer. If the chair is done according to the mind, and microfiber, and the eco-leave will provide the necessary comfort. For children, it is better to take offend from natural fabric.

Thus, when choosing a computer chair should be repelled from its destination. And then it is already proceeding from the amount allocated to the purchase, design features of the product used by materials and other nuances.

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