How to choose a cornice

How to choose a cornice

Many people pay more attention to the choice of curtains, but the eaves are an equally important detail. It is from them that it depends on how neatly and winning the window will look.

The most popular cornices manufacturers are companies Scaglioni., DecoFest, Mottura., Casa Valentina., Robert Allen., Intestill., Silent Gliss., « Cosiness" There are different types of cornices. To select a suitable model, first decide with its view:

  • Round cornices are classic. They enjoy high popularity due to their versatility, since they are suitable for almost any interior. Round eaves can consist of just one pipe or to assemble in the design of several (SCaglioni "Vesta").
  • String curtains are strongly stretched lines. They look very carefully and are designed for light curtains (DecoFest "string SW05").
  • Profile cornices are made of aluminum. The material is light and elastic, can take a variety of forms, so the choice of original models is just huge. Profile eaves are perfectly combined with Roman or Japanese Curtains (Mottura "Frame-014").
  • Bagentar curtains are endowed with a plank that closes the curtain fastening elements. It is the main decorating element. Planks can be large and small, have a variety of forms and original colors. It all depends on your preferences ("buzz" "254 Terni").
  • Forged eaves are the most attractive and exclusive, due to the presence of many decorative elements. They will fit well into the decor of expensive premises with a finish of natural stone. But there are models that look well and in the classic interior (Casa Valentina "Cornelia").

There are several installation methods. Wall curtains are mounted on the wall above the window. For this wall should be durable. If it is not, it is preferable to install the ceiling cornice. Such options can be installed at any distance from the window.

There are models with a curtain control function. First view - manual control. It is carried out using a special cord or pointer. More convenient is the second type of electronic control, which is equipped with a remote control or button. This option is more expensive.

Decide which material is suitable for your porter. Wooden eaves are very popular, but they have a drawback - over time they deform under the weight of the curtains. Metal patterns made of steel and brass are very durable. Plastic curtains also use good demand - they are easy, easy to install and are available at cost. Remember that for large windows and massive curtains you need to choose a durable cornice. Its diameter should be at least 30 mm.

Tint of the carnis Choose with the style of the room. Universal colors are white, black, matte nickel, antique brass. With the help of the eaves you can visually change the room. If the window is narrow, it can be figuratively expanded with a long cornice. To achieve a reverse effect, select a model with a length of the window opening. To give the room altitude, install the cornice on the ceiling.

For decorations, use tips. Round models are suitable for almost all rooms, squares are well combined with minimalism. Tips with crystals are beneficial to allocate a modern room, and with leaves and flowers are suitable for any room. The balls and heroes of various fairy tales perfectly fit into the children's room.

The choice of cornice depends on the needs and your taste. Take care that the cornice is reliable and combined with the common room style. Also think about the load that it must withstand so that the cornice pipe does not sag.

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