How to hide the cornice for curtains

How to hide the cornice for curtains

Often, interior design provides for hidden mechanisms used to fix curtains. Or it’s hard to choose a beautiful cornice that perfectly harmonizes with the curtains. And it happens that the owner himself is an adherent of minimalism and does not endure the presence of unnecessary elements in the house, believing that they violate the overall picture. But in any case, a hidden cornice is a very popular designer technique when the impression of flowing directly from the ceiling of the curtains is created. So how to hide the cornice?

The advantages of hidden cornices

It is customary to hide exclusively ceiling cornices, and this decision is popular due to its advantages:

  • If the window reception is quite high, and the ceiling plate is overlapping for the window, it will not work to install an ordinary cornice. Here it is precisely the hidden cornice that saves the situation.
  • The window opening with a hidden cornice looks more tender than when installing a wall structure, due to the fact that the effect of weightlessness is created.
  • A hidden cornice is an excellent alternative to masking the product with linings and lambrequins.
  • Creating a niche to close the cornice, you can arrange various communications in it, devices responsible for controlling fire alarms, electric wiring to lamps, etc.
  • And also a niche from drywall for curtains allows you to recreate the original system of backlight.

Niche from drywall

The task of masking the ceiling cornice is successfully solved by using drywall, with the help of which a special niche is made above the window.

Preparatory work

The appropriate material for the niche is the Hypsum cardboard sheets of the Volma, which are characterized by slight weight and high environmental friendliness. And the preparation is as follows:

  1. To give the profile the necessary form, cut through the entire length.
  2. Drywall should be cut into strips, which have a size of about 15 cm. When constructing a niche, a direct cut technique is used: make marks of the corresponding size on the GCL, attach a ruler to these points - and you can cut it without drawing a line between them. It is customary to cut the top layer of the material using a knife.
  3. Deepen the section several times to guarantee that the segment will break exactly in this place where we need.
  4. By putting a drywall on the rib, lightly hit 2-3 times in the area where you did not make an incision. As a result, a gypsum core will break, and to cut the cardboard on which two parts of the sheet holds, we will use the knife.

Niche is cornice 3

Installation of the box

For the manufacture of a box of drywall sheets, you need to act in accordance with the following instructions:

  • Prepare a ceiling and guide profile. Self -tapping screws will be needed for fastening.
  • Mark the width of the niche. First measure how much the distance from the wall to the edge of the window sill is. If there is a battery protruding for the windowsill, then you need to measure before it. To the size that you received when measuring, add a allowance that is 10 centimeters so that later the curtains freely move in a drywall niche. As a rule, this value is in the range of 15-20 cm.
  • Using the cord, beat off the line parallel to the wall that is the edge of the niche.
  • On this line, fix the guide profile using dowels, withstanding a step 60 cm.
  • Scroll the stripes of drywall to the guide profile with self -tapping screws. The distance between them is 15 centimeters close.
  • Next, attach the guide profile from the end of the box, after making markings.
  • After the sides of the box are made, cutting out strips of drywall with a hacksaw.
  • At the next stage, the frame from the ceiling profile is assembled, and the bottom of the box is also sewn.

Barrow casing

Recommendations when lining the box:

  1. Following the box with drywall, slightly drive screws into the sheets a little. Their hats should not protrude above the surface.
  2. If necessary, then put the hats and joints of the sheets, as well as strengthen the corners of the box with special corners and also cover with putty mass.
  3. After the putty dries, the surface must be fucked using fine sandpaper.
  4. At the next stage, do the color of the box and finish the ceiling.
  5. For greater originality, it is customary to illuminate such a niche, installing halogen lamps or neon tubes inside the design.

Baget masking

Special ceiling skirting boards will help successfully hide the cornice, which are attached to both the wall and on the ceiling surface at the same time.

Types of ceiling skirting boards

Depending on the material that was used for manufacture, such types of ceiling skirting boards are distinguished:

  • Polystyrene. They are easily glued, without requiring a special tool, successfully resist moisture, without deforming and without swelling at the same time, are inexpensive, therefore they are the most popular.
  • Polyurethane. They differ in great strength and resistance to damage, and the pattern inflicted on them is more embossed and clear, if compared with the previous option.
  • Gypsum. The high quality of the product is reflected in its price. Glued to a well -leveled surface.
  • Wooden. They are expensive, the installation is associated with some difficulties, but they look gorgeous.

Installation of baguette

Instructions on how to hide the cornice for curtains using a ceiling plinth:

  1. Determine the location on the ceiling of the cornice, given that the curtain should not touch the window sill.
  2. By applying the cornice to the ceiling, circle the product with a pencil to get two horizontal.
  3. From the far line in relation to the glass you should retreat several millimeters and draw a third line, which will be the beginning of the protrusion.
  4. On this line, it is necessary to install a metal profile, and around it to build a mini box of similar width. In this case, the height of this design should coincide with the width of the ceiling plinth.
  5. As a result, you will get a long, but narrow figure - a rectangle that is sewn with drywall.
  6. At the next stage, the surface of the structure is putty, squints and painted.
  7. After the finishing of the ceiling, it is necessary to determine what length the box has, and cut off the ceiling skirting board of the same size.
  8. To fix the baguette, special glue is used.

Thus, we examined two options on how to close the ceiling cornice - by installing a decorative box from drywall and by camouflage with baguette. And in that and in another case, there remains free space under the design, where the cornice itself with curtains is attached.

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