How to get a land plot for free

How to get a land plot for free

Obtaining land plots is carried out only for the fee, but the Land Code provides cases in which citizens can issue land for free. Privileges receive separate categories of the population. People also have the right to arrange the sections they already enjoy.

If you use a plot acquired before the entry into force of the USSR Law on Ownership in the USSR, then you have the right to work in your property. To do this, you need to call an engineer from Fuskk, which will conduct intertime and technical work. Based on them, you can get a copy of the cadastral plan and an extract from the cadastral passport.

Submit them to local governments at the place of residence with a statement, a copy of the cadastral plan and discharge from the cadastral passport. If you received a plot after 1990, the order of the design of the Earth will be the same. The only difference is that you do not need to receive an extract from the economic book, since after 1990, the guidelines were issued to all sections.

Persons who have the right to use the plot indefinitely, may also arrange him. Charge charges are not allowed - everything is free. Persons who have the right to use the building indefinitely, can also get the land plot for free. This means that if you have received a plot of inheritance, rent it or received as a gift - you can also place it for free, subject to the availability of guidelines.

For special categories of the population, privileges are provided. Free to get a plot of land is the right to veterans of the Second World War and members of their families who cannot work, servicemen under the contract (from ten to fifteen years), employees of the internal affairs bodies (if they served fifteen years or more). In these cases, the land is provided for personal housing construction. Orphans have the right to make land plots that belonged to their relatives on themselves.

There is another way to get the land plot. It differs from the above with its complexity, but also takes place. If you have found a plot of land that does not belong to anyone, you can make a free ownership for it. To do this, make an exemplary plan of the area and the forms of this section and specify its exact location. Take these documents and submit them to the Real Estate Department. Selected plot will be checked on the possibility of building and legal purity. He should not belong to anyone or prepare for building social objects.

After checking, the documents will be sent to the district administration, where real estate specialists will once again be convinced that this site is not credited. If everything goes successfully, the plot will register, will appropriate to him the state number and put on the auction. If no one wants to buy it within a month, you will be given it on the right lease. For two years, you must build a housing there and get the necessary references in all instances. Only after that you can apply with the documents received about the transition of the Earth to your property.


Be prepared for the fact that with the last method of obtaining land you will have to wait for a very long time to consider the consideration of your application. The final decision can be accepted after two weeks, but experienced lawyers claim that it can delay for several years. An easier way is to conclude a contract with the administration for a three-year rent of the site and start building it up (a simple lotship is suitable). On this basis, you can apply for a free receipt of the site.

The procedure for free to obtain the land is quite complex. With competently performed actions, you can get a plot in two or three years.

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