How to align the site

How to align the site

The perfect area is a flat platform, sometimes with a slight bias - up to 2 degrees, as a rule, to the south. On the plot there may be pits, ditches, bumps, swampy soil, former ground roads, forest cuts with a large abundance of stumps and bumps, characteristic wins, if the storm sewage system has not been equipped. After construction work in the yard, the mountains of excess soil and garbage remain, as well as traces from the use of heavy machinery. To correct the situation, you will have to work pretty, aligning the site and pouring the fertile soil.

Before starting work, it should be noted the boundaries of the site, which is to be created by alignment. To do this, it is necessary to carry out measurements to make sure that the parties are proportional. Mark the corners of the working rectangle using paint. Wear pegs there, using a hammer or a sledgehammer, and connect them with a rope for a better area view.

At the next stage you need to clean the territory. You should collect trash, stones, branches and leaves from trees, bumps, etc., as well as remove the dend, applying a secateur and shovel for this purpose. Also, do not forget to pull the grass and deal with weeds and their root system to prevent their growth in the future. If the site has a small bias, you can not remove the fertile layer, but simply throw the cultivator and choose the roots of weeds.

The sequence of alignment of the site is as follows:

  1. For alignment, we use a shovel, which remove the surplus of the ground from the hilly and any elevation of the working area.
  2. The lands and pits are falling at the same land, distributing as much as possible with a robel.
  3. Do not allow even small holes to remain, they provoke water accumulation, and along with this plant root root.
  4. In places where the soil is very dense, it should be pre-stamped.
  5. Land layer that you deleted earlier, return to your place and align it with rake.
  6. Now the Earth must settle. Therefore, it is not recommended to be disturbed for 2 weeks.
  7. After 14 days, the soil must be dissolved using a special bar, the level and pegs with marks in 10 centimeters from their tops. The pegs are installed at 9 points, then the soil is being sweeping or is removed.
  8. Processing the prepared surface with robbles, weaving it with a roller in order to avoid leaching during the rain and displacement in the future. In addition, you can simply shed the land and wait until it dry and becomes solid and smooth.
  9. When aligned, remember that in a small area, the slope of the site should be 1-3%, for large spaces it is possible to increase the angle to 30%.

At the next stage, check how qualitatively you spend the work on the level equalization:

  • From all sides of the site you need to knock the pegs.
  • Tie to the first two rope. It should be located at a height of several centimeters from the ground and be tightly stretched.
  • Level should be fixed in the center of the rope.
  • If necessary, the Earth is added to low sections and levels.
  • So act until you see that the playground is smooth.

If you need to align a big plot, then it will not work manually, as it is long in time and exhaust. The bulldozer is used to shift the soil towards, falling asleep holes and cuts of bugro. After such manipulations, the fertile layer returns backwards. Plowing will have a tractor in several goals, along and across. Then go through the cultivator twice in order to break the soil, and turn the soil. Well, if you can plow the Earth in the fall for the first time, and the second is in the spring. To extract weeds, you first need to achieve their germination by treating the soil ferry. After germination, weed plants are removed.

After high-quality alignment, the land plot can be used for the alignment.

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