How to grow lawn

How to grow lawn

Dream about the picturesque emerald lawn in front of the house? Do not rush to buy an expensive rolled lawn! Much cheaper to independently grow lawn grass from seeds. A little bit of patience and labor - and soon the green man-made carpet will become a real decoration of your site.

Before planting the selected grass, you need to carefully prepare a plot and soil. First, remove all the garbage from the site (stones, brick crumb, branches, paper s) and feed the stumps. Then you need to switch the plot and select the roots of the cut trees. After that, be sure to treat the soil with a special herbicide - weeds are extremely destructive effect on the gas. Two or three weeks after chemical soil processing, you can proceed to the direct sowing of the lawn. Since May is the most appropriate time for sowing a garden grass mixture, it is necessary to start preparatory work since the beginning of April.

The next stage is to improve the quality of the soil. After cleaning the site and soil, proceed to the introduction of suitable fertilizers. Heavy clay soil "facilitate" with river sand, and sour - be sure to make. As fertilizers, use both minerals and the organic a compost or humus. True, when using such natural feeding, there is a risk of enhancing the larvae of pests, seeds of weeds and fungal diseases for the future lawn. Therefore, a fine organic fertilizer for the lawn is considered a small-bar-based biohumus - it costs somewhat more expensive than compost and humus, but it does not contain malicious larvae or seeds.

After making feeding and fertilizers, carefully break all the lumps, eliminate the bumps, pits, hollows and align the soil with special fan robbles. The optimal magnitude of the grain grains is from 2 to 5 cm, otherwise the shoots of lawn grass will be uneven - with ugly "listers". Having achieved the desired fraction of the soil, proceed to the coupling and alignment of the soil. It is most convenient to do this with a special garden rink, wide boards or a large log. After that, slightly burst the top layer of the Earth with robbles. The prepared plot should "relax" before sowing a week-one and a half - during this time there will be a natural shrinkage of the soil and you can adjust the flaws (eliminate weeds, fall asleep deepening).

After all the preparatory procedures, proceed to sowing lawn grass. It is possible to sit on the grass, either by hand, or with the help of a special lawn seeder. To eat, choose a quiet windless day so that the light seeds do not scatter in the wind. Dry Earth necessarily moisten and slightly shry with wide fan robbles. Approximate consumption of grass seeds - 30-45 g per square meter of the site (the exact number is always indicated on the package). So that sowing was uniform, sow the lawn in two stages: first along the site, and after - across. Sung seeds can be slightly sprinkled with a thin layer of peat. After that, sowing carefully tailored with robbles and, if necessary (if the soil is light, sandy), compact rollers. Then pick the seafront area to do this, use the hose and nozzle for watering with small holes or an rain installation.

Do not dry sowing: so that the lawn grass grows thick and fluffy, it is necessary to water often and abundantly. Daily irrigate the area of \u200b\u200bthe future lawn, while consider that a strong water pressure may damage the unrearded seeds and blur the soil. With proper preparation of soil and high-quality sowing in a week, a lawn, the lawn will delight you with the first green spoils. With daily irrigation, grass grows very quickly, so a couple of weeks after the appearance of the first germs, the first haircut of the lawn can be carried out. Until this pore, the grass will preferably be careful - not trample, and if possible, do not let the pets on the lawn.

Further care for the lawn lies in regular irrigation, weekly haircut and timely making organics. In the fall, after the last seasonal bowl, the young lawn must inspire the biohumus - this simple procedure will protect the grass from winter frosts. After a couple of seasons, the lawn will become mature - dense and dense, then scarification (combing) and aeration (ventilation) will be added to the list of "leaving" measures.

Following this simple instruction, you will become a happy owner of a magnificent lawn.



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