How to make a lawn

How to make a lawn

Well-groomed grass near any building creates a common positive impression of the owner. After all, it is charming, going into the courtyard or when holding a weekend in the country, enjoy the beautiful and noble lawn, which is proudly called the "lawn". If there was a little loose place, why not make a serene green corner? Moreover, there is no restrictions for the creation of a lawn!

It should be understood that the lawn will become not only an element of the decor, but also will bring a lot of benefit. Namely - he will be the main absorber of dust, and this is proven by scientists! The second - with such a green lawn is much easier to move the hot and hot summer, due to its ability to increase air humidity. This useful decorative element can be done to any dac. It suffices to follow the recommendations to avoid typical errors.

Lawn 2.

First - decide on the type of lawn. Its choice depends on the appointment of this beautiful greenery and the territory on which it will be located. After all, the characteristics of herbal mixtures, of which the green masterpiece is created, depend on the method of their use - a solid canvas for a variety of active games or narrow strips between buildings for refining the territory. The lawns distinguish:

  • Sports. Created for games and outdoor activities. It is often located on playgrounds, has a rigid, unpretentious component.
  • English. Luxurious and whimsical lawn, intended for contemplation and loving them.
  • Garden-park, as a rule, decorates private sections.
  • Floral (Moorish) is a flowering lawn, not a solid herbal carpet. Not intended for walking.
  • Rolled. The fastest way to create a lusher. It consists of already grown herbs with turf and twisted in rolls.

Choose a place to locate the lawn and proceed to the soil preparation. If the lawn is special, then it is worth placing it where it can grow. Place it in a bright, unfamous place, and if shrubs or trees create a shadow - cut the lower branches. Do not choose and too wet plot. After the place is chosen, start to prepare the platform under it. Tip: Experts begin to prepare a place under the lawn from the middle of the summer, and the grass is dried only in spring. This will make it possible to achieve the necessary density of the Earth. Soil preparation:

  1. Pull the selected land plot and delete all weeds available on it.
  2. Fee the land with special mixtures intended for lawn grass.
  3. In the spring - repeat the cleaning.
  4. Align the relief of the earth to create a smooth horizontal of the future lawn.
  5. Before the landing of seeds, I will miss the land well to stepping on her - the foot did not fail. Slightly shry it with robbles.

Lawn 6.

After the land under the lawn is prepared, start seeding seeds. Tip: Lawn Grass Lawn - the easiest and less cost option. Wait for calm windless weather and distribute seeds evenly along the site (along and across). Do not be afraid to move on the lawn, sulking seeds with the hands. Often, herbs are mixed with sand to achieve uniformity. After sowing, crumple the land with rakes and, if possible, roll it up with a roller or put the usual log so that the birds do not embarrass the seeds. It remains to wait for germs and enjoy your creation!

Lawn 1.

Landing lawn at first glance is a very complex and time-consuming process. However, these are prejudices for those who carefully reacted to all stages of its creation - the necessary type of lawn will choose correctly, will qualitatively prepare the soil and make seed sitting in comfortable weather conditions.

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