How to make a windmill

How to make a windmill

In an old mill, the mills were used to grind various grades of grain crops. In our age there is no need for this, because the automated production is easily coping with the process. Therefore, this construction is made for the scenery of the country area or turn the wind energy into the electrics. We will talk about a windmill for decorating a country landscape. Let's find out how to make it with your own hands.

Material for the manufacture of choosing you, is suitable plastic, wood, plywood, brick, wild stone. Our mill will wooden. A concrete or logs can be applied as a foundation. The base is required if the design provides inside the house for the defers and in order for the object to stood steadily, did not turn into the weight of the blades. Do not forget about building materials on the roof: boards, plywood, onduline. Good if you get konk. Need varnish and olifeTo protect the tree from the effects of external factors.

Without a tool, make a decorative beauty will not work. List of remedies Next:

  • The machine, if not, then drank, hacksaw;
  • Electric drill, screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Sander;
  • Electrolake;
  • Two brushes.

Select the territory on which the mill will be located. It is desirable that it is in the open space where there is no barriers for wind. Then the blades will be in constant movement. Make the cleaning site, remove the vegetation, align the earth. Lay the foundation. Our will be from logs. Immediately decide on the size of the building. The mid-size mill is an equally chained trapezium with the parties:

  • The size of a larger base: 1.5-2 m;
  • The height to the roof: 2 meters;
  • Little base: 1.2-1.5 m.

By the above standards, we kill the frame from the bar. Krepim him to the foundation. Determine where windows and door will be. Here fantasy has no borders. The windows can be made of carved, different shape (rectangular, at the top of semicircular), on the doors to attach the original handles created by their own idea.

We are wearing the frame with treated smooth boards the same width, can be clapped. Consider the openings for doors, windows. We make a ticket that customize the size to coincide, then install the doors and insert the windows. Inside the floor floor. The bottom of the facilities is ready. Expand the construction when it gets up, cover with varnish.

While the house dries out, make the roof and the blades of the mill. For the roof you need a frame and a trim. Its shape is two anaous triangles interconnected by a bar. Ondulin is suitable for the roof, or do a beautifully cut one edge of the board by half rings, then put the roof on the covered roof frame. All wooden vertex materials also paint the oil, then varnish. Wings mills should not be done heavy. Well, if they deviate from the axis and capture the wind, according to the principle of the fan. The length of one blade is 70-90 centimeters (they are needed four). Make wings from the board (plywood), close at an angle of 90 °. The mechanism on which they rotate is the bearing, inside it insert it with a threaded pin, which is fixed with nuts from two ends. On the roof facade, fasten the bearing. On this same axis Put the blades. More, the rod should pass through the length of the roof, firmly molded on the reverse side. Now it remains to secure the roof on the bottom of the mill and check the blades in action.

Options for building a windmill a lot. We looked at only one. Based on the sequence described above, the master will be able to build this object itself as it is pleased.

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