Glass roof - how to make

Glass roof - how to make

A few years later, the glass roof was a fantastic phenomenon available only to owners of chic hotels, restaurants and huge passage villas. Today, any person who has at least a remote presentation of construction can make a glass of glass. After all, the most important thing in this case is not the technology of the construction, but a reasonable choice of suitable materials.

A glass roof can cover not only the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room, but also a separate fragment. Most often, this option of roof is used for the device of a greenhouse, hall, terraces, balconies, attic, etc. Based on the form, you can define the most popular types: flat horizontal (or with a slope), dome, anti-aircraft lamp, hemisphere, arch. Another common type can be called a panoramic glass roof. This option has a smaller slope of the skate, in contrast to the anti-aircraft lamp, while has a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing.

The design of a glass roof consists of a frame with frames and glasses. The size of the cells for cells is selected in such a way as to ensure maximum lighting and safety in use. It must certainly be strong enough to withstand its own weight in different positions, the weight of at least one person and the impact of atmospheric environmental phenomena. For decoration of the glass roof, double glass is used, where the bottom layer is a triplex, and the upper - tempered glass.

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Rigels and frame racks perform the role of rafters and crates (normal option). It is important to consider the supply of glass roof with a mechanical hatch with a mechanical and automatic drive. To avoid sticking and the lump of snow on the glass, you can fill the space between the beyls and the racks of the conductive coating.

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Construction of a glass roof, and in particular the strength and reliability of the future design, largely depend on the type of frame frame. It uses one of three types of profile: steel, aluminum, combined. The steel profile has high strength and is able to withstand a huge glazing area. But by virtue of greater weight carries a significant burden on the foundation and walls. Aluminum has a small mass, sufficient strength, but at the same time high thermal conductivity contributes to undesirable heat loss. The combined is almost the most successful option: durability, lightness, low thermal conductivity and excellent aesthetic species are collected together.

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Even correctly selected materials and competently composed design will not give the desired result, if important nuances will not be observed. When creating a roof from the glass, it is necessary to pay due attention to the waterproofing, since the design of the bucket roof will not be possible. One of the optimal options is considered to use glassware. It is also worth thinking about the transparency of double-glazed windows. If you hang the blinds or get the glazed windows with a film, the sunlight will not fully penetrate the room and increase the temperature level too much.

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In fact, the creation of a glass roof is to make a frame of a frame from a profile, inserting a transparent material, reliable sealing and lining of beams with decorative material. The process is quite painstaking, but quite feasible even without the help of a specialist.

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