How to lay roof

How to lay roof

The roof is a protective layer of the roof. The construction of the upper coating, insulating layer and base is consisting. The base is mounted on rafters and roof beams in the form of solid plates, flooring or crate. Very often, speaking of the roof, mean only its top coverage.

To perform highlighting installation and laying roofing materialsIt is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe roof design as a whole. General design scheme:

  • slinge system serving a frame;
  • vaporizolation membrane;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • obsek:
  • substrate;
  • top coating their roofing materials.

Each type of roofing materials has its own laying technology and requires an individual way to prepare the foundation. The selection of the substrate and thermal insulation materials also depends on the coating used. Regardless of the roofing material, the installation of the ridge on the roof is required. Pay attention to the ventilation system.


To lay the soft roof, you should prepare a solid smooth surface, for this, the crate is cutting with plates of the WD or moisture-resistant plywood. The corner of the roof of the roof should be at least 15 °. Before starting the installation of bitumen tiles or ondulin, make sure that the dry plywood. If the day before it was raining - it is better to postpone work. Soft roof sheets are glued on a special mastic. At an angle of inclination exceeding 45 ° with additional sheets attached by nails.

Professor put on the crate. Do not save the crate on the step. The profile is not able to withstand a large load, he begins to fake under the weight of the wet snow. If the pitch of the crates is large - the profile will lead, the gaps are formed in which water falls. The distance between the shelling boards depends on the roof slope. The smaller the slope, the more there should be a step of the crate. For example, for a profile of 20 mm when the roof slope is 30º, the recommended distance is at least 300 mm. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. Prior to the start of installation of sheets, it is necessary to perform a pair, heat and waterproofing device. Stamp from the bottom end of the roof. Do not use mounting foam seams. Pena with expansion deforms the edge of the sheet, then it is destroyed under the influence of sunlight and gaps remain between the sheets.

Laying of natural tiles requires additional means and solutions to fix the elements on the surface. Natural material has a lot of weight. Planning to choose natural tile as roofing material, make sure that the roof design is capable of withstanding such a load. Cheaper and easier to use metal tile. Metal tile is attached by self-drawing to the crate in the breakbib of the wave. Tighten the screws tightly, but at the same time make sure that the sealing gasket is not damaged. For the roofing device on flat roofs, we use the filtered rolled materials. You can download their rules on our website.

Rules for laying roofing filtered roll materials

Compliance with technologies when laying a roof, a competent framework of the frame and crate and the choice of suitable materials to create a roofing "cake" - a guarantee that your home will be securely protected from bad weather for many years.

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