How to make a lawn in the country

How to make a lawn in the country

Neat lawn can decorate any garden. Its device will require a lot of strength and effort, but the result will justify the applied efforts. Properly performed works on the lawn tab provide further simple care for the green lawn. You can make a lawn in several stages.

Selection of a lawn site. The most suitable will be the place, well-lit by the sun. A partial shading of the lawn by trees or buildings is less than 4-5 hours a day. Water should not accumulate on the plot, a small slope will help solve this problem.

Selection season. Lawn can be snowing at the beginning of August: plants will have time to gain power to cold weather, and the germination of weed grass will be minimal. The second option to choose the right time of the year is the end of May: in the fall, it is possible to prepare the land that will see under the mounted snow, having relished with the need for manual traam.

Soil preparation. The plot is cleaned of stones and garbage, the surface is aligned and screamed. At the same time, the composition of the soil is improved - the sand into heavy soil is made, compost is added to increase fertility. In the process of resistance, the rhizomes of perennial weeds are removed. For 1-2 weeks before sowing, a mineral supplement is evenly sprinkled and close up with rabl. Before planing herbs, the surface is slightly tram.

Sowing seeds. For 1-2 days, the site is impregnated with water to a depth of 15-20 cm with finely spray spraying sprains. For landing, quiet and dry weather is selected. Seeds are evenly falling down, according to the recommendations for grassmes, for two passages - along and across. Using rakes, the seeds are mixed with the top layer of the Earth.

After planting, the site is fading well, in the absence of rains it will have to perform daily to the growing shoots. For the first time, the lawn is necessary at a height of grass 10 cm, leaving no less than half of its length. With subsequent haircuts, the rules are followed: it is better to mow less, but more often - once in 8-11 days. On the day of the lawn, the lawn is necessarily poured before the soil impregnation by 10-15 cm.

Herbal cover is rarely perfect from the first time. For the next season, it is also necessary to care for it - shove the pits, hurry the grass and fight weeds. The correct gas care makes it possible to achieve a qualitative result in 2-3 years.

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