How to choose a boiler for heating at home

How to choose a boiler for heating at home

Selection of a boiler for heating at home is a difficult task that requires the analysis of the needs of the home, the characteristics of the room, fuel, equipment parameters. When choosing a boiler, initially pay attention to the two main parameters - to the power of the product sufficient to heat the dwelling, and the type of fuel on which it works.

Calculation of capacity for heating room

The power of the boiler is characterized by the amount of heat that is allocated by the device per unit of time. First, determine the calculated power for heating the room. It depends on the size of the room and the design features of the house. The House of Soviet buildings without heat insulation requires 1 cubic for heating. Meter 41 W, with insulated walls and windows - 20 W, apartments on the upper floors on the northern side of the house - 50 W. Multiply reference data on the internal volume of the house - and you will learn the theoretical power of the boiler for heating around the whole house. The amount obtained must be increased by 20 percent. Power supply takes into account the quality of fuel, equipment wear, which reduce the CPD of the boiler. "Excessive" power will allow the boiler to work without overload.

General tips for choosing boilers

The following points may affect the convenience of operation of the boiler:

  • When choosing an aggregate, pay attention to the availability of the fuel on which it works and its price. The most affordable includes gas and coal, to expensive - liquid fuel and electricity.
  • When determining the power of the boiler, take into account the fuel consumption for water heating to sanitation needs.
    The minimum power of the boiler for simultaneously using water in the bathroom, in the shower, the kitchen should be 24 kW. These are the aggregates most purchased.
  • If 15-20 l hot water is enough per minute, buy a double-circuit boiler. If the water needs a lot, buy a heating boiler with a built-in boiler.

Gas boilers

The most popular device for individual room heating. The main advantages are the relative cheapness of gas; the possibility of heating a large area; ease of operation; high efficiency. Disadvantages - rigid gas equipment installation rules that are binding.
Produce wall and floor boilers. Wall limited capacity of 35 kW, weigh up to 40 kg. Supplies components - pump, a tank, a group of security. Floor weigh at least 100 kg, require additional devices. Characterized by long life and unlimited power.

Electric boilers

Characterized by simplicity of design, do not require a chimney, a separate room. Used for heating up to 100 kV. m, a larger power is not enough footage. Easy installation and operation. Obstacles to the use of electrical devices can serve the need for separate wiring. power boilers require a 6kW three-phase network 380 V. Characterized low efficiency and large power consumption. Applied in the absence of gas supply.

Solid fuel boilers

Units installed in places where there may be problems with gas and electricity. Consume cheaper fuel - wood, coal, solid briquettes. Modern solid fuel boilers are equipped with different automation supporting the coolant temperature on the specified level and controlling the intensity of the combustion. However, in a fully automatic mode can not work. The disadvantages include the need to stock a large volume of fuel and manual tab constant combustible material.

Fuel oil boilers

Power comparable to the gas devices. Characterized by high efficiency, used for heating large areas. To install the boilers do not need approval of special services. The device is mounted in a separate room with a forced draft.

Before you buy, compare the characteristics of different models of boilers. Knowledge of the basic parameters of the product will help to make the right choice of the boiler.

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Dmitriy 09.22.2018 at 17:52

The men, who will tell you what the most economical boiler work? I can not decide ..

To answer
Maxim Nikolaevich 23/09/2018 at 0:36

Dmitry, the most economical heating is gas. But it is good if it is. And if not and is not foreseen? Then it is necessary to sit down and study information about boilers. For months, I was immersed in this topic, I learned a lot. What eventually bought? Twenty authored Dozatech, my house has a house of 135 square meters. He took a little with the reserve, as I want to make it hot water. Who has a smaller house, enough and fifteentent. It is completely satisfied with the choice and purchase, the house is warm and the whole salary for heating at home does not leave, quite fiscal.

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