Independent installation of heating radiators - the task is not complicated, but scrupulous. It is necessary to carefully prepare for such a case so that in the future it is not to suffer from an unexpected hot flood. It is not at all necessary to be an expert or a master with a special education and years of practice, but it would not be superfluous to arm yourself with practical advice.
The quality of heating depends not only on the installation of the radiator, but also on its choice. If the battery has not yet been purchased, come to this issue as carefully as possible. Today, heat engineering stores offer the widest choice, where each buyer will find an option for their housing: a steel radiator, vacuum, cast -iron, aluminum, bimetallic. It will be possible to determine the optimal type of batteries for a particular case by comparing all the factors playing the role: place of residence, temperature regime in the heating system, its wiring, pipe material, placement of the room in construction, etc.
Having chosen the appropriate type of radiators, consult with the seller in terms of the number of sections. To make a calculation for the old Khrushchev and a new insulated apartment in one method would not be reasonable. Each case requires an individual approach. But in the bulk of situations, the number of radiator sections is determined by formula 1 section \u003d 2 m.
Having the necessary batteries in stock, you can safely start preparatory work. First of all, make sure that there is a tool box. Without them, you can not install the battery even to the most experienced specialist. Next, review all measurements and calculations, decide on the installation scheme of the heating radiator: diagonal, one -sided, etc. (Schemes are indicated in the figure). After that, stock up on patience and calm, because the installation of batteries, although not a complicated process, is still quite laborious.
It would not be completely superfluous to make sure that your “construction and repair” box has everything you need. Proper installation of heating devices is impossible without the following tools and improvised objects: pencil, roulette, a set of birth keys, pliers, hydraulic levels, screwdriver, shock drill and drilling tips.
It is extremely important not to bypass the rules for installing radiators (they are the same for all types of batteries). Their full observance will help create high -quality heating and good circulation of warm air. So, between the floor and the bottom of the battery there should be a distance of at least 100 mm. The same applies to the upper part of the batteries with the windowsill. Regarding the retreat from the wall: it must mean at least 2 cm, but also not exceed 5 cm.
For your convenience, we provide a laconic, but intelligible instructions for installing heating devices. To begin with, drain water from the system, dismantle old radiators and prepare a clean place. Next, make the marking for the new battery and fix the brackets. Hang the heating device on hooks, connect the pipeline and reinforcement. At this stage, special care should be shown in order to achieve perfect sealing.
Having done all the previous steps and checking the reliability of all fasteners, you can run water into the system. Do not forget to check the installed device for leaks or swimming. If desired, you can apply a device for thermoregulation. Such is capable of eliminating problems further use of radiators.
Having familiarized yourself with the information provided above, you can install a radiator without any help, absolutely yourself. Observing important tips and checking the work done at each stage, you will avoid stupid mistakes and minor troubles.