How to attract useful insects

How to attract useful insects

Predatory insects are indispensable assistants to combat pests, thanks to their ability to destroy larvae and eggs from the inside. Further, some tips on how to attract them to your garden.

The beetle-jumper is a large insect that feeds on caterpillars, larvae of beetles, snails and slugs. Mudders love shaded and moist places. Rosemary or mint should be planted on their site, which attract these insects by smell.

Ground beetle

From the invasion of aphids and a spider mite will save the colonies of gold -grades and God's cows. Especially for them you can plant Rudbecia and asters. Under the leaves of these plants, they willingly lay eggs and multiply.

Golden -eyed

The insects that are useful for the garden include flies-journalists, bugs-riders, and firewalls. They will be attracted by plants with a pronounced spicy aroma: caraway seeds, thyme, dill, lemon balm, mint, basil.

To ensure the nutrition of predator insects, various nectaronos plants can be sown. The most effective will be yarrow, sunflower, clover, mustard, St. John's wort, parsley, celery, caraway flowers.


An interesting solution is a house for useful insects-entomophages. You can make it in the form of a decorative birdhouse or simply compose from pieces of wood, bricks, twigs and other materials. Inside you need to place a special top dressing to attract insects. It can be a powder used to power bees.


The use of the natural abilities of insects and ento-facages will abandon the use of chemicals for the healing of the garden and the garden, will make it more environmentally friendly and beautiful.

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