Apple harness do it yourself

Apple harness do it yourself

Harvesting is a pleasant and fascinating occupation. However, it is not always easy to do this very much, but I don't want to spend on expensive technique or hired workers. In such cases, we will come to the rescue and special devices that are easy to assemble from the healthy materials.

How to breed apples without difficulty?

Finished fruit products have long appeared in the markets and in specialized stores for summer residents. However, if you are not a tribal planter, but just want to get fruit without a voltage with 2-3 apple trees, a simple device can be obtained from a conventional stick and plastic bottle. It will save from the need to use the staircase and balancing on it for a long time, reaching the upper fruit. Just cut the bottom of the plastic and secure the neck on the long and durable stiff. The sharp end of such a tool needs to rise in a stalk or an apple attachment place to the branch. This will not only just reach the fruit, but also not to memorize him, do not hunt or break about the ground during the fall.

Advanced homemade fruitboard

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis device at one time came to the head of the most popular once program "Crazy handles". More "advanced" fruitboard, which will remove the most chain apples due to the grasing mechanism as follows:

  • The upper part will still be made of two-liter plastic containers. However, it is necessary to cut it down the bottom so that 5-6 separate vopotoxy petals come.
  • In each such petal, we make 2 holes, for example, with the help of a sewn preheated on the stove (this will allow not to apply to the piercing of the extra effort).
  • Take the fishing line, shy it through the throat of the bottle, and the upper end spend through each hole of each petal.
  • The second end of the fishing line, which fastened the "blades", also remove through the neck.
  • It is advisable to make the handle from the PVC pipe, or the knob for the mop (even better - with the holder).
  • We remove the ends of the fishing line from below either fix on the handle.
  • Pulling the line to yourself, you can capture the fruits with the help of bottle petals, collecting them with more speed and efficiency.

Alternative fruitboard options

Some daches prefer not to cut the bottom of the bottle to the end. If you leave it in place, and cut the square hole to the size of the largest apple, we will get an improvised "palm" that will capture the fruits and safely send them inside the bottle. In order not to remove each apple separately, near the throat of the bottle, you can cut another hole, securely attaching a dense bag or package around it. Apples, passing along the bottle, will fall into it and accumulate there until you are comfortable. If these inventions do not satisfy you for one reason or another, conventional garden rakes will use for collecting apples. They can also get fruit or tighten the most attractive branches. And so that the fruits do not break about the ground, try to sash under the tree an unnecessary blanket or several layers of burlap.

Every year, the stores are less and less shopping. Such a tool will not require additional care and will serve you for many years without additional investment.

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