Bonn slimming soup

Bonn slimming soup

Many women heard about a slimming soup, which is attributed to miraculous properties. Having a pretty sonorous name "Bonnie", this soup to the Germans has nothing to do. German cuisine is distinguished by satisfying and calorie dishes, in which there are a lot of potatoes and beans. In the same soup, only starchy vegetables, which have minimal caloric content.

Compound soup

Bonn soup is cooked on clean water, and its composition includes cabbage, onions, sweet pepper and greens. Different recipes involve the use of different types of cabbage. It can be white, color or broccoli - the calorie content of them is minimal. You can also use different types of onions, for example, instead of the replock take sometimes or shallot. To improve taste in the soup is allowed to put tomatoes. Spices in the form of salt and burning pepper in the soup are used in limited quantities. Oil in the soup is not put together at all.

How to cook soup

There are many recipes for cooking popular soup - this most affordable:

  1. Cut six pieces of medium bulbs.
  2. Grind two green peppers.
  3. Pump the middlewinking cabbage.
  4. Fold the vegetables into a saucepan and fill them with water - take it so much so that it only covered vegetables.
  5. Turn on the stove and boil the soup to the preparedness of vegetables to it will leave no more than 10 minutes.
  6. In the middle of the cooking, add 4 pieces of ripe tomatoes sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes.
  7. Before the end of the cooking, put in the 2 laurel leaves and a lot of fresh greenery (dill and celery).
  8. For taste, add a pinch of salt and pepper.

What is the secret of soup

Having a rather low calorieness, and in one portion of her soup is about 32 kcal, the body spends the calorie to digest the body much more. It is this, the so-called "negative calorieness", and leads to a significant weight loss. Eating mostly only with soup, it is possible to lose weight in a week by 9-10 kilograms. Nutritionists are quite loyal to such a diet, but they offer not only Bonn soup. A competently composed daily menu will allow and lose weight, and not be constantly hungry.

Weekly menu

Every day, except for several servings of soup, you can use other products:

  • Day number 1. Soup, juice from berries without adding sugar, unsweetened tea or coffee, fruit, except calorie bananas and very sweet grapes.
  • Day number 2. In addition to soup, still fresh vegetables, fruits and one baked potato peel.
  • Day number 3. In addition to soup, still fresh vegetables and fruits, clean water.
  • Day number 4. In addition to soup, more fruits and vegetables, milk from which cream is removed, water.
  • Day number 5. In addition to soup, another 400 to 500 grams of boiled low-fat beef, fresh tomatoes, water without gas.
  • Day number 6. In addition to soup, another 400 from 500 grams of boiled beef, any fresh vegetables, water.
  • Day number 7. In addition to soup, still boiled brown rice, freshly fastened fruit juices, water.

The presence of beef, rice, vegetables and fruits in the diet will allow to satisfy the need of the body in vitamins and microelements that are so needed in the days of restrictions.

How to fix the result

If it is very strictly followed by the above-described diet, then extra kilograms will probably leave. But if you later begin to eat unsystemantly, then the extra weight will come back. So that this does not happen, exclude sweetness, fat and sdoba from the diet. Fit only healthy food and twice a week observe unloading days on the Bonn Suc. In addition to him, eat only a little fruit and drink tea without sugar.

Bonn soup cook very easily from publicly available products. But the taste of him very quickly comes, and many women have been stopped after a couple of days. To diversify the soup, you can put a little carrot, zucchini, root celery and turnips. A day after day, the soup is allowed to cook with vegetables on a vegetable oil (only one spoon) vegetables. Also ready-made soup can be twisted with curry powder, soy sauce, dry spicy herbs.

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