How to eat in the post

How to eat in the post

Great post - time to prepare a Christian for the celebration of Easter. All these 40 days the believer must adhere to a special diet, in order to be purified both physically and spiritually. The great post is not only restrictions and prohibitions, it is an opportunity to diversify your daily diet.

During the Great Post, do not eat food products for animal origin: meat, eggs and dairy products. In addition, it is strictly refrain from the dough, candies and alcoholic beverages. The exception is red wine that can be used on Saturdays and Sundays. Pay attention to Saturday on the passionate sadmice drinking wine is prohibited.

Prepare fish only on the last Sunday before Easter and the Annunciation. Fish caviar is allowed to use Saturday to Lazarev. Use vegetable oil strictly on Saturdays and Sundays in food (except Saturday on a passionate sadmice).

Turn into your diet fruits and vegetables. They will help to saturate the body with the vitamins needed in spring time. Use vegetables in cheese, fried, boiled and stewed. Do lean desserts from fruit or add them to porridge. Do not forget about greens, which helps strengthen the immune system.

Eat beans and mushrooms. They are a source of vegetable protein for the body and can replace meat and fish. The first dish is the basis of the daily menu of the person, boil soups from beans, mushrooms, peas. Nuts will also help the body to fill the lack of protein, in addition, it is a great way to eat on the run.

To restore the energy, cook porridge from cereals. Unlike sweets, the porridge contains the right carbohydrates, well-absorbed by the body. Crupes can be mixed with each other: rice with lentil or oats, buckwheat with rice. Mixed porridge will turn out if the time of cooking different croup coincides.

Maintain immunity with the help of salting, harvested since summer and autumn. Summer cabbage is useful during the exacerbation of viral diseases. Canned tomatoes and cucumbers diversify the table and fit as a garnish. Jam to tea will replace candies and cookies.

Replenish iodine deficiency with algae. Sea cabbage is necessary for the work of the body, it will help strengthen the nervous system and improve the brain. Sea cabbage can be used both separately and add to salads.

Despite the restrictions in food, the Great Post should be a source of joy and inspiration. This excellent chance not only to be cleaned, but also enrich your body with vitamins and minerals. Have fun of meals to the great post.

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