How to soak beans correctly

How to soak beans correctly

Beans are a delicious and healthy product, but not very popular due to the duration of cooking. Indeed, it is often easier to buy canned beans than to cook dry. The fact is that cooking beans is quite difficult because of many cooking nuances, one of them is preliminary soaking beans.

It is necessary to soak the beans before cooking, firstly, to return the beans softness and moisture. Secondly, the substances contained in beans that are not processed by the human body, and complicate the digestive process, will dissolve.

Dry beans

When soaking, the beans increase in volume by about three times, so it is advisable to use a large deep bowl. Rinse the beans from extraneous impurities through a colander under running water and pour into a bowl. Pour water - filtered, defended or cooled boiled. You can change water several times during soaking. Water level 5 cm above the level of beans.


Soaked beans should stand in a cold place - for example, in the refrigerator to avoid fermentation processes. Since soaking takes a fairly long period-10-12 hours, and in the heat without a change in the water, beans can be a little discarded. To give a bean of acute taste, it is soaked not in water, but in beer, in this case it must be placed in the refrigerator. And do not use a metal container - it is better than glass or enameled.


The water in which the beans was soaked must be drained and cooked already in fresh.


A properly soaked and cooked on low heat, beans will be an excellent side dish or a complement for the main dish or salad.

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