The side dish is both an addition to the main dish, and his decoration. Fish is a light dish, so it needs to prepare more raw and abundant sides. It may consist of one product or be complex in composition.
Potatoes occupies the first place as a supplement to fish dishes. You can serve fried fish, fried in-rustic potatoes. Fish for a pair, boiled combined with boiled, baked potatoes, and mashed potatoes - with zrazamami, cutlets, meters. You can also serve vegetables for fish. They can be fresh, boiled, stewed. Assortment of suitable vegetables is huge: zucchini, cabbage of any kinds, eggplants, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers. To extinguish it is better to choose several types. For example, finely cut tomatoes, zucchini, onions, carrots, garlic to griely until ready.No second dish, including fish, will not be full without side dishes. Therefore, he should consist of at least from Lemon and a couple of pieces of cucumbers.