How to bake crucia in foil

How to bake crucia in foil

Baked in foil crucian is very useful. It contains iodine, zinc, calcium, fats and vitamins. It will not be difficult if you follow the following instructions:

Ingredients are needed for the preparation of crucia: crucian, bulb, carrots, salt, pepper, spices, vinegar or lemon juice, sunflower oil, greens, mayonnaise, foil.

First of all, clean the crucian. Get rid of scales, gills, get all the insides, making a cut along. You can not cut off your head. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse the crucible under water. Well dry fish with napkins, avoid extra moisture.

In order to do you during the meal, fish bones were not disturbed, take suns along the back and between the gills. In the process of cooking, the bones will not be barbed, and therefore not dangerous.

Get rid of unpleasant fish smell. Soak fish with lemon juice or vinegar and wake a few minutes. After that, we wash well and sprinkle the crucible salt, pepper and spices. We can graze spices in the fish. Let me lie down from half an hour to make spices well.

Cut onion rings and fry on a frying pan with vegetable oil. Cut carrots with circles and grind the greens. Place the onions, carrots and greens inside the fish, so it can be soaked in a pleasant aroma from the inside and acquire a magnificent taste.

Dairy Maisonist crucian on both sides. Place fish in foil. Cut the lemon to the quarter and put them on top of the fish, sprinkle with greens.

Take a deep baking sheet and lubricate it with vegetable oil. Put on the tray of fish in foil and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. At the end, you can open a foil to give a fish to twisted. Getting fish out of the oven do not forget to wear kitchen mittens.

Serve crucia can with any side dish. This dish is especially suitable for a festive table. Bake crucia in foil can be on a weekday after work, because the preparation of this fish will not take much time and strength.

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