How to drink sak

How to drink sak

In Japanese culture, every action turns into a ritual. Not exception is the use of national rice wine - sake. Heated sake has a spicy taste. If you strive to observe the ritual, several rules should be remembered.

Sake can be drunk hot or cold - it all depends on its variety, the preferences of the gathered at the table or the season. Cold drink wine with fruit flavors, cooling it with ice cubes.

A mandatory attribute of the feast is a small narrow porcelain jug, a capacity of 180-360 ml - tocuri. It is convenient to warm up sake. Tokcuri put on a water bath and heated it to a certain temperature (from 30 ° to 55 °). The main thing is not to overload the wine, otherwise Sake will lose its fragrance.

Drink Sake from special dishes - Sakazuki, choco. These are small piles of clay, glass or wood.

The pile, from which you drink sake put in a cypress box - Masu. Pour to the edges of chocco or even to the edges of the box - mean to show your respect to the interlocutor.

Pour wine itself is considered indecent. One of the participants of the feast takes a tokkuri necessarily with two hands, clamping a jug on the sides. It is wrong to take for the neck or maintain under the bottom. The second lifts the pile and substitutes it under the fine bay of Sake. Lower the jug with wine slowly, turning and gradually returning it into a vertical position. Then the drops will not flock on the sides.

Drink Sake is leisurely, empty chocco for two or three throats. Before each toaste, wine is poured over and, raising the pile, say: "Campai!". This means: "To the bottom", "dryness".

For snacks, seafood can be seafood - dishes from eel, caviar, dried squids, sushi sandwiches. Marinated vegetables are also served to the table.

The reason to gather at the table, the Japanese may have the first snow, blossoming Sakura, harvesting or another, insignificant in the opinion of the European event. The main thing is that people are gathered at the table with whom it is pleasant and peaceful you can spend time.

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