How to make a swash for kvass

How to make a swash for kvass

Kvass - odorless, foaming, invigorating drink, known in Russian cuisine for many times. True, our ancestors cooked kvass on a stolen with the torment of the malt, from this it was obtained by a poorest, cross, resembling young wine. Now in many families they are preparing a tart, sweet-sweet kvass on a home starter, who drinks one pleasure in summer heat.

Zakvaska is a viscous mass containing yeast cultures and reinforcing fermentation of bread products, turning water, bread and sugar into kvass.

How to make a yeast joke for kvass

The yeast break is considered the traditional base of the drink. For her cooking, you will need: Polbukhans of black bread, 1/2 cup of sugar, 50 gr. Live yeast, water.

  • Cut the bread with pieces and dried in the oven.
  • In the 2-liter jar, fold crackers, sugar, pour boiling water to half.
  • Yeasts to divert with water and sugar, enter Cashitz in a warm bread mass. Stir, cover the gauze, put on the windowsill for fermentation.

Within two days, Zakvaska is ready, the resulting volume is enough for 9 liters of delicious bread kvass.

How to cook a swash for kvass without yeast

Many hostess prefer to be frustrated without yeast, considering it more useful for a person. It is done as easily as the yeast, the only negative is preparing longer.

Ozvaska on raisin

  • Sweep in a frying pan 200 gr. Sliced \u200b\u200bborodino bread strokes. Fold the crackers into a liter container and fill with hot water to the coating of a crust.
  • Practice 6 tbsp. l. sugar, and when the mixture will cool a little - put 3 tbsp. l. Raisa. Cover the canvas and put it in a warm place.
  • A day later, the mass will be covered with bubbles, and the bread - it will be racing and rises up. Pull out it with a spoon and shift into the jar. Add there by 300 ml of water, 70 gr. Sugar, handful of rusty crackers and put on a whisening.
  • After 48 hours, when the composition is scattered, repeat the procedure described above again - and the process of manufacturing the freezing escales is completed.

Oakwash on honey

Ingredients: 75 gr. Honey, peel with three sour apples, 150 gr. Grapes, 1 liter of water, mug of dried bread crusts.

Dissolve honey in water, put all the components, except for crackers. Let the composition stand on two days in the kitchen, then strain it into clean dishes and add bread. After three days, kvass can be put out of the wort.

Oakvaska on flour

In a deep bowl, mix sour cream - 5 tbsp. l. rye flour, 50 gr. Sugar, 100 ml of water, 10 raisins. Cover the wet cloth, leave on the table. The next day, interfere with the mass of 2 tbsp. l. Flour and water. So do three days in a row, and on the fourth - the thick of it is ready to eat. Take how much you need for kvass, the residue put into the jar, close the lid, clean the refrigerator.

Oakwask from hops

5 tbsp. l. Hop cones pour a liter of boiling water and negotiate 10 minutes on a weak fire. Perfect, put 50 gr. Sugar, interfere with flour so that the mass resembles the dough for lush pancakes. Cover marley, leave for 2 days. Control the process - first the opara will cover with bubbles, will rise up, then drops and stops swelling, it means, it's time to fed a drink.

How to make kvass from home start

Kvass can be installed in tidy saucers, buckets, clay pots, glass containers. Our calculation on the 3-liter bank:

  • pour 2 liters of warm boiled water, 3/4 glasses of frisks, pour 3 tbsp. l. Sugar, 300 gr. Disted black bread. Cover the rag, put it for two days;
  • after the time expires, strain the liquid through three layers of gauze. Try the drink if sour - plug sugar. Boil the bottle kvass and place it in a cold place.

Russian home kvass is not afraid of experiments, and if in the process of cooking you add to the liquid blank of mint sheet, lemon zest, grated ginger - a drink from it will only benefit, becoming more tastier and fragrant.

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