How to cook borsch red

How to cook borsch red

Red Borsch is a traditional dish and in Russia, and in Ukraine, and in many other CIS countries. He is appreciated for a rich taste, for utility and saturation. In each family it is prepared in different ways, different ingredients are added, and it is almost impossible to find two identical red boards. But in almost all cases, this dish still combines common features.

Ingredients required for the preparation of classic red borscht

  • For the preparation of red borschk, it is necessary to take meat, and which is the secondary question. Usually for the preparation of this dish use pork or beef, but the chicken and lamb are suitable. It all depends on your taste preferences, as well as on the degree of Navara borscht, which you want to get.
  • The second important ingredient - beet. When cooking a red borscht without it, it is difficult to do without it, because the name of this dish that goes in the people is "beetter".
  • As for any other soup, you need potatoes, onions, carrots and tomato paste (for roasted), cabbage (fresh or quashen). And of course, spices to taste (pepper, salt, seasonings, drowned garlic and others).

The other ingredients in the taste can be added to the red borsch, but the above are the base base.

How to cook red borsch

  • First you need to prepare meat. To do this, it is necessary to rinse it well under running water and cut into pieces. Some hostess boil meat with one big piece and cut it after cooking, but in this way it will prepare longer.
  • I spread the meat into the saucepan of the desired size and fill with water. Water is desirable to use filtered or stunned so that the taste of chlorine does not spoil the dish.
  • Pan with meat put on the middle fire, and up to the moment of boiling to clean and cut potatoes, and also prepare a roaster. For the roaster, it is necessary to clean and finely cut onions, lay it on a pan with a preheated sunflower oil. While the bow is roasting, on a large grater, soda the carrots and beets, and when the bow will get a golden shade, add them to the pan. You must also add tomato paste to the roaster. All together fry until soft. If carrots and / or beets for a long time remain solid, then you can add some water to the pan and put out under the lid.
  • When the broth boiling should be carefully followed by foam. As soon as it appears, it must be removed by a spoon, otherwise the broth will be muddy. If all the same you missed the moment of formation of foam, then the broth is preferably skipped through the sieve.
  • Meat must be welded until complete readiness, and only then add potatoes and roaster. 10 minutes before potato readiness, pour into the saucepan cabbage sliced \u200b\u200bby small slices. Sung and pepper the soup to taste, add seasonings and leave on fire until the potatoes and cabbage readiness.
  • Do not have a borsch immediately after cooking, as he needs some time to stand. Sprinkle the dish chopped with parsley and dill, cover with a lid and after 20 minutes it will delight with its saturated taste and aroma.

Red borsch, or "beetter" - a favorite dish of many people, and it is not surprising. It is not very difficult to prepare it, but it is important to comply with certain rules and trends, and then you can please close a delicious dish for lunch.

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