Bulgur - how to cook

Bulgur - how to cook

Bulgur is a cereal prepared from a hard -sized wheat. This differs from ordinary wheat cereal in that it is made of pre -fired or fried grain. The grains of wheat processed in this way are dried, and only then crushed.

In what dishes are used Bulgur

Group due to preliminary heat treatment of grain is characterized by a very thin nut aroma-for this, housewives love it. Bulgur enters three types: small, medium and large grinding. This difference allows you to prepare completely different dishes from it:

  • The cereal of the smallest grinding can be added to the dough for bread, cupcakes, and cookies.
  • From a medium -sized bulb, it is recommended to cook porridge.
  • Large bulgur replaces rice in pilaf and good in vegetable salads or fruit casseroles.

Bulgur - how to cook

A cereal called Bulgur is not recommended to wash. If you think that this is contrary to the rules of cooking, then it is better to fry the cereal in a dry pan (4-5 minutes) or hold it in the microwave (2-3 minutes). In the second case, set the maximum power and mix the bulgur once. Bulgur can be cooked in two ways.

In the pan

Pour one part of the cereal into the pan and pour it with two parts of hot water or broth. Add salt to taste and put the future dish on the smallest fire. Cook the bulgur under the lid for 10 minutes. During cooking, do not interfere. To avoid handling, use a pot with a thick double bottom for cooking. Leave the finished bulgur under the lid for another 10 minutes - during this time it will finally swell.

In thermos

Bulgur is very easy to cook in thermos. Put the same part of the bulgur in it and add it. Pour the cereal with boiling water (2 parts) and close the lid tightly. After 5-6 hours, you will have a fresh smoking porridge with a nutty and aroma on your table. Instead of a thermos, you can use a pan, but then first wrap it in several layers of newspapers, and then wrap it in a warm blanket.

How to cook a bulgur in a soup

Group is very hard, so if the proportion rules are not observed, you may make porridge instead of a soup.

  • Boil vegetable or meat broth.
  • In two liters of liquid, boil vegetables until half -cooked (potatoes, carrots, onions, beans, etc.). Take them as much as required by the recipe.
  • 10 minutes before the readiness of the dish, pour two tablespoons (without a slide) of the bulgure into the soup. So that he does not take a lump, mix the soup.
  • Cook the soup with the bulgure until it is boiling. Keep the power of the plate at a minimum.

How to cook a bulgur in a pilaf

  • Speuse 1 cup of vegetable oil in the cauldron.
  • Put 500 grams of meat in the oil and fry it to the crust.
  • Add 300 grams of onions and 300 grams of carrots to the meat. Fry meat with vegetables for another 15 minutes.
  • Add salt, pepper and favorite spices to vegetables and meat. Mix.
  • Put one glass of the largest bulgur in the cauldron and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Warm up all together for 5-7 minutes.
  • Pour meat, vegetables and bulgur with three glasses of hot water.
  • Reduce the fire to a minimum and prepare the pilaf until all the water is absorbed into the cereal.

Very tasty dessert porridge is obtained from Bulgur. Then use milk instead of water to cook it. Separately, fry pieces of fresh fruits in butter and be sure to sprinkle them with sugar. Put the finished bulgur boiled in milk in a plate and lay out caramelized fruits on top.

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