How to whiten a white shirt

How to whiten a white shirt

A classic white shirt never comes out of fashion. Styles are changing, styles, patterns, but the color remains unchanged. A classic white shirt is a thing from the Category of Must Have, on the basis of which you can form dozens of images - for every day and for special occasions, holidays.

As far as the white shirt is beautiful, it can be impractic, as it gets up quickly. Over time, the fabric from the styrices can pale or purchase a gray shade.
You can whiten the shirt when using various ways.

The use of standard stains or bleach. The main thing is not to use chlorine-based bleachs, as the short-term effect of the shirt is lifted. After a certain amount of styrics, the fabric rifles. As for the stain remover, on each specific means there is its own instruction for use. The amount of the required tool is calculated on the basis of the degree of pollution. In a special compartment for washing powder, pour a little bit and set the optimal wash program based on the fabric composition. To achieve the maximum effect, you can all night soak up a shirt in hot water with a stain remover and wash it on the morning.

Boiling. This is one of the most ancient ways of bleaching. For him, it is necessary to dissolve powder in the water bucket. It is advisable to choose a powder for manual washing. Fold the shirt in the bucket and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and hold it in boiling water about 40 minutes. However, in recent years, this method is not particularly popular. This is due to the fact that in most cases it does not work, and things instead of white acquire shades from yellowish to gray.

The ammonia alcohol is known for its whitening properties, so many popular recipes on whitening is based on their own.

  • 2 tbsp. The ammonia alcohol is diluted in warm water, soaked the shirt and leave no more than 3 hours. After that, the thing needs to rinse well in a large amount of water and only then stretch in the typewriter.
  • the following recipe is prepared on the basis of ammonic alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. In the pelvis with hot water you need to add 3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, 2 tbsp. Ammonic alcohol. In the same TAZ should add 5 tbsp. Conventional salt and some washing powder. The thing in such a solution needs to hold about 1 hour.

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