How to update the cast-iron bath

How to update the cast-iron bath

Cast iron plumbing, in particular bath, the most sought-after. The cast iron is perfectly holding heat, and in such a bath water remains hot. Such products are very thick and heavy, which makes them practically silent - when pouring water in them there is no unpleasant hum, which is created when a water jet hit on metal or plastic. These baths are both durable for service life. Therefore, when the old cast-iron bath loses its original shine and chic, her owners want not just to part with the "beloved old woman", but to upgrade it. You can update it in several methods.

The easiest - clean the bath with an acid-containing cleaning agent. It will become snow-white, but not shining. The acid will remove all the contaminants, but at the same time will break the top layer of enamel - the bath will become rough. This method can be used as a temporary measure before buying a new product or to a radical update of an old bath.

Under the radical update refers to the complete update of the old enamel coating. There are only two methods: using liquid enamel and using bulk acrylic. By the way, if you restore the bath with such methods, it can be repainted in another tone - and enamel, and acrylics are of different colors.

And in the first, and in the second case, the bath must be prepared for the update:

  • If the old enamel came with bubbles somewhere, it should be cleaned to metal;
  • Next, the entire inner surface with the emery paper should be cleared to a homogeneous to the touch of the state;
  • Places where enamel was removed to the metal, it is necessary to sharpen the putty on the metal, and after drying it also to sand.

It is recommended to work with liquid enamel, even with a bulk acrylic recommended strictly following instructions on the packaging of the selected material.

Enamel can be in the canister - it is simply sprayed to the surface, and maybe in the form of ordinary paint in the bank - it must be applied with a brush. Self-leveling acrylic is sold only in banks, and they slowly and gently, starting from the sides, you should pour all the bath.

The choice of enamel and acrylics today is so big that it makes no sense to advise any particular manufacturer. It all depends on how much you can allow yourself to spend on the purchase of new "clothes" for the old bath. Of course, you should not buy the cheapest composition. Surely, such a coating will not be happy to please the owners.

In any city there are firms whose specialists will update the cast-iron bath. Maybe it is worth trusting professionals, and then the renewed bath will serve as its owners from a dozen years.

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