How to choose a frying pan

How to choose a frying pan

Frying is indispensable in the kitchen, because in it is preparing a variety of dishes for the whole family. And so to the choice of this device is to approach responsibly. Cooked food on poor-quality pan capable of causing harm to the health of the household.

The heavier the item, the better. Pay attention to the thickness of the walls of the pan. What they are thicker, more uniform heating of food. Heavy pan resistant to deformation. So before you buy, compare the weight of different models. It is safest to buy a glove with pan handle than with removable.

Quality and durability depend on the pan material:

  • Cast iron. This is a classic reliable material. Our grandmothers and still cooked on cast iron pans. They are durable, area evenly warms, withstand high temperatures. Their disadvantage is considered a long heating and cooling of the metal. To cast iron pan and served as your grandchildren, do not use modern detergents. Ignited it in the oven and rinse with water.
  • Titanium. Pans of it expensive, but reliable. Durable material, stainless steel. However, beware of the cook in the pan of titanium every day. It contains negligible amount of nickel which causes allergic reactions.
  • Stainless steel. This alloy is inexpensive metals. These pans are affordable. If you purchase this product, stop choice for thick-walled pan. Caring for them requires careful. Do not use aggressive chemical agents and sponges with a stiff bristle brush. In a frying pan of stainless steel is prepared carefully with oil addition, unlike iron and titanium.
  • Aluminum. Frying pan made from this material will serve a little time. It is easily deformed, the food is burnt on it quickly collapses under the influence of acids or alkalis. It is not necessary to cook them meals with the addition of citrus.

One important characteristic is its coating pan:

  • Teflon - a wonderful invention of civilization. It is permissible to cook without adding oil, food does not stick. Without careful maintenance all the positive qualities disappear. Stir with a wooden stick food, wash the dishes with a soft sponge. If there are scratches on the teflon frying pan, you have to get rid of it. When heating starts allocated perfluorooctanoic acid and fall in the product. It has toxic or mutagenic agents.
  • Pottery is an excellent alternative. The properties and the care is similar to Teflon, but is more secure at home.

The choice affects the pan plate form

  • any pan is suitable for gas;
  • if you have an electric, avoid buying an aluminum pan;
  • glass ceramic purchase utensils with a flat bottom, aluminum undesirable;
  • stainless steel is perfect for induction plates.

Among manufacturers pans proven Keravis, Ceramica, Ceramit and Greblon. The advantage of the product is the famous brand of its mandatory certification and warranty.

It is important to choose a quality store the pan. On this depends the life of the product, ease of use and safety in the home.

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