To wash in the bath, it seems to be a big mind. But this is only at first glance. Ignorance of rules of behavior in the bath can bring a significant harm to the body. Ban art is a ritual consisting of different procedures. Heating to the desired temperature, the creation of optimal moisture in the steam room, the choice and preparing a broom, the correct effect of contrasting temperatures - all this should be known and properly use, only then the bath procedures will bring maximum benefits and pleasure.
You should not go to the pair immediately without preparation. Before you go there, you need to take a warm shower, but you can't water my head. Such a gradual mode is recommended to be used when moving to a higher temperature. Soap also do not use to the steam room, wash soap or shampoo it is necessary after you are treated. Next, put on the hat from the felt (now they are sold for every taste). This precaution will save you from overheating.
Now you can go to the pair. Immediately do not rise to the very top, and stay down at the bottom. Wait for the body to get used to the heat. The bottom is not so hot, and get used to it easier. After you have been addictive, go up and even lie down at the very top, where the whole body warms up better, and you can prepare for the main bath procedures.
Make two or three minutes for ten minutes, and it will be enough. At the first occasion, the body warms up to redness of the skin, so that the fence has begun. With two others, climbing brooms. In the interruptions between the steam room, you need to stand under the cool shower or cool in the pool. In order not to disturb the water-salt balance, it is recommended to drink juice, and better kvass.
To present a Russian bath without a broom is quite difficult, almost impossible. When you are quitting a broom, it turns out a kind of body massage. It enhances the effect of heat and allows you to warm up certain parts of the body. The use of a broom occurs according to certain rules. The new broom is uroat in warm water twenty minutes and spree in the steam room for a few minutes. Products that have been dryed, are poured by boiling water several times, then they need to be covered with a pelvis and withstand fifteen minutes. When you soar a broom, it should be regularly wetted in warm water.
Steam is uncomfortable, better so that there was a partner. First you need to lie on the stomach, and the partner in two brooms strokes, ranging from the tips of the legs, by hand, to the head. When the temperature is hot, brooms must be moved over. After several strokes, they begin to easily knock the back, lower back and legs. Then it is worth going on the back to repeat the entire former procedure. The so-called broom compress also uses popularity. Brooms are heated in hot air and applied to the body of the body, holds for a few seconds with hand. Such a procedure is useful for tired muscles. Next, they must be applied to the lower back and breed to the head and footsteps. Make so few times, and turning over, repeat the same procedure. Then you can lose a broom with a broom, lower back, and other parts of the body.
All procedures in the bath should not last more than two hours, and the steam room should take no longer thirty minutes. After the bath, it is recommended to relax in heat, avoiding sharp cooling. Do not show enhanced activity, but it is better not to rush, drink tea with lemon. Alcohol in the bath and do not drink after it.
Visiting the bath will increase your performance and significantly improve well-being. Just walking into it regularly, at least once a week, on the same day.