How to collect mercury

How to collect mercury

Many know that mercury is a very dangerous substance, and if it is more accurate, his pairs are dangerous. Liquid metal begins to melt at a temperature - 40, it becomes liquid with very large mobility and begins to evaporate at +20. Mercury couples are very poisonous, and when they are inhaled, you can so much. The kidneys and the central nervous system are affected. Therefore, when you spilled mercury from a broken thermometer, then the most important thing is to remove it correctly.

The first thing you need to do is arrange an airing in the room, but not a draft. Open the window and close the doors to other rooms, as mercury pairs can spread across the apartment. Then shift the place where you broke the thermometer, since mercury easily sticks to objects and can be separated by other rooms.

Previously need to take measures for personal protection against poisoning. Owing rubber gloves, you protect outdoor areas from contact with poisonous metal. On the feet put on the boots or packages from polyethylene. Respiratory organs also need to protect. In this help, you will have a cotton-gauze bandage that we need to moisten with water, just well use soda solution.

Cook the jar and pour water into it, put together the broken parts and the fragments of your thermometer, then proceed to the collection of poisonous metal. Collect very carefully so as not to miss a bit of spilled mercury, because the missed particles will create problems with your health and health of loved ones. Mercury, which you have collected, fold into the jar with water poured into it.

You can collect spilled mercury with the help of sheets of moistened paper, a syringe or rubber pear, which is used for children's enema. Not bad to use tape, plaster and wool. You can even a tassel, just remember: everything you collected mercury should be in a jar with water. Very carefully need to remove poisonous metal from all the cracks and cracks. In this situation, a rubber pear is very useful, or if there is no syringe with a thick needle. Just pull the mercury balls inside the rubber pear or the syringe and blow them into the jar.

If the work on the collection of spilled mercury was delayed more than fifteen minutes, take a break and exit fresh air. Then you need to close the jar tightly with all collected, as well as mask, gloves and bag packages. Do not leave the jar in warm and do not throw away! Ideally, it is required to give it there, where they are engaged in the disposal of mercury waste, and if there is no such possibility - then they do so jump the container on sufficient depth in such a locality, where it will not be able to damage and mercury will not fall into the ground. The place where the mercury was spilled, it is necessary to rinse with chlorine or manganese solutions.

To collect spilled mercury is impossible neither by a broom nor a vacuum cleaner. Rigid rods only grind drops into small particles that are guaranteed to be separated throughout the room. With a vacuum cleaner even worse. Liquid metal that fell into the vacuum cleaner, under the action of the air flow will become intensively evaporated and spread over a large area, infecting everything around. The vacuum cleaner after this procedure will be dangerous in use (modern filters will not help), and there will also be problems with its disposal.

When you finished cleaning mercury, then rinse your mouth and throat with a weak solution of manganese. Do not clean my teeth and drink more fluid. Accept the activated carbon, several tablets.

In general, keep up with the times: buy electronic degrees, believe me, from them problems and risks are much less than from mercury.

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