How to dispose of a thermometer

How to dispose of a thermometer

To the instruments, the simplest in the application and accurate in the indicators when measuring the temperature include mercury hydraulic devices. The main determining agent in such thermometers and thermometers - mercury - heavy metal, which is dangerous in the pairs allocated by it. If the thermometer lost the tightness of the glass tube for any reason, served his shelf life and you had a need to replace it because of the dangerous content within this device (mercury), it needs to be properly disposed.

The old, farewell, not damaged outwardly, and which you plan to replace any alternative harmless option, it is impossible to throw it away. Accepting the thermometers are required in large medical institutions and pharmacies (demurcurization centers) - they have special containers for transporting or preserving mercury devices. Such thermometers are used later for the manufacture of mercury energy-saving lamps. There are private accredited companies that can also take up such work, but mostly they are engaged in utilization of mercury of large scale.

If we dispose of serving (externally without defects and violations in a glass flask) mercury degree, resorting to helping medical institutions or private organizations, you failed to do it yourself. Take a hermetic container, fill it with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and immerse the device there. When the opportunity to appear - hand out this container to the appropriate reception point.

In case of damage to the glass flask and the leakage of mercury, call the MSH service without delay. Experts will conduct high-quality processing of the premises and will give the necessary recommendations.

To independently dispose of the throwing mercury, you must do the following:

  • Evaporation of mercury begins at air temperature greater than 18 degrees, so close all the windows and turn on the air conditioner (in the winter season, on the contrary, open the windows, but so that there are no drafts).
  • Rubber gloves (mercury should not come into contact with the skin of the hands), a gauze mask (to prevent mercury vapors and sucking poisons to the body through the lungs), moistened in soda solution (1 spoon of soda on a glass of water) and ordinary bags on the feet ( The hazardous substance is very easily reacted with the environment).
  • Take a hermetically closing container, pour into it ordinary water or prepared, capable of neutralizing mercury solution: In 1 liter of boiled water, dissolve 40 grams of soap and 50 grams of soda.
  • Syringe, leukoplasty, scotch tape, plasticine, wet newspaper or rubber pear collect all mercury and place in the harvested container.
  • Take the adsorbent (mangartan, chlorine, soda, soap-soda solution or any chlorine-containing drug) and treat them the entire surface on which the "accident" occurred.
  • Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the organization engaged in the disposal of harmful substances
  • Drink a glass of hot milk or mineral water.

Remember that the broken mercury thermometer can not be demolished with household waste, wash off into the sewer, or bury. Emerging mercury is prohibited to collect with a vacuum cleaner (dangerous evaporation increases), sweep the broom (crushed balls is almost impossible). Everyone in contact with mercury immediately throw away (resorting to the help of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) - they are easier to dispose of and buy new, than to expose to chimrocess. And in order not to deal with such problems - use alternative measuring instruments: digital electronic, alcohol or infrared.

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