How to wash the wax

How to wash the wax

Walking at various celebrations, like a quiet romantic dinner with a loved one, give us a sea of \u200b\u200bjoyful moments, but sometimes the note of the bitterness is added to the positive, a tablecloth or carpet of wax drops from festive candles. In order for the event to be only warm memories, and spoiled things have acquired former attractiveness, use one of the councils below.

Keep in mind that the deeper the paraffin in the structure of the material fibers, the harder you will get rid of the wax influx, so do not tighten with the removal of contamination. To reanimate the thing is simple washing, it is unlikely to succeed, because besides paraffin, it will be necessary to bring a fat stain from it. To begin with, remove the wax itself, do it only after it is full of it. To speed up this process, wrap the thing in polyethylene and put in the freezer for an hour or two in the freezer, depending on the wax layer, or save the ice packages. After that, remove the hardening hand or with the help of a brush (for delicate tissue take the dental) and the scraper.


Wax is afraid of not only cold, but also high temperatures. Bind the location of the pollution (after the removal of paraffin) hot iron heated to seventy degrees. Pre-put under the thing and on top of it the fabric, which can be slightly moistened, and napkins. Suitable for this and gauze with paper. All materials better fold into two layers, change them as fat absorb. The procedure is desirable to repeat at least a couple of times, this will increase the effectiveness of further disbuilt. White clothes can boil for five minutes. Then apply a layer of extracted chalk layer, a talc or a dry mustard, cover with napkins and deposit for an hour of cargo, after which they shake the remnants of the means and put the thing with the usual way.


In addition, in the presence of turpentine, acetone, kerosene or gasoline, try the following way. Square from the product The main mass of the wax influx, then the existing means wet the sponge or a cloth and get the place of contamination. After forty minutes, we wash the thing. By the way, for the same purposes, diluted with water was suitable Domasestos and Mister Proper (in the form of powder), only in this case leave clothes with wax pollution, moistened with them for several hours, and only then use a washing powder. Gasoline is better to take high cleaning, for example, to refuel lighters. Delicate fabrics you can soak in any of the dishes - Aos, Fairi and others.


Note that the spots from colored paraffin high-temperature paraffin candles are better not to be subjected to alternative to the treatment of the tissue first with simple warm water in order to avoid the formation of a ugly halo, and then apply the stain remover, while use only cotton cloth or a clean white cotton cloth. Regardless of the selected method of getting rid of the wax, the contaminated thing is covered with the whole, do not climb a partial place with a stain. Velvet or plush handle with a sponge dipped in warm alcohol, and after washing, we will rinse first in warm and then in cold water. For silk, take the cologne. The stain on the slice after removing the wax, cover up two or three layers with a napkin and attach to the sole of a hot iron for a few seconds, repeat the procedure until the stain disappears, not forgetting to change the puff-soaked paper. Or dissolve in a glass of warm water a tablespoon of the ammonia and a little liquid soap, wipe the spot.


As you can see, give your favorite things after hitting them wax the second life is not so difficult, it is worth only to make a little effort.

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