How to collect a bed

How to collect a bed

To assemble a crib for a newborn, it is not necessary to hire professionals. Much more pleasant to do it with your own hands, putting all the love of the tiny little man in the work.

We are located in the room where the bed will be constantly. Print the film, check by instructions for all parts and their integrity. Usually, the package includes everything that we need to be needed, with the exception of the screwdriver.

Let's start the assembly with side parts and bottom. As the child is still quite small and can not be able to roll over or get up, it is advisable to mount the bottom higher - so more convenient to put the baby. All screws are fixed loose. Next, we screw the rear wall, it is fastened with two screws to each side part.

Instructions Cot Wheel-Rocking Stage p.2XG_ENL

Go to the front wall. Most crots it is solid and mobile. So we need to insert it into the guide grooves that are on the side elements. We check how well the facade part rises and lowers. After that, firmly clamp all the mounts.

In the first months, the child can be scattered in the crib, for which arcuate elements will be useful at the bottom of the side walls. Later, when the baby learn to get up, you will need to flip the entire design and insert the wheels into metal grooves on the sidewalls.

For security reasons, check how efficient the cot is collected whether it is staggering whether it is reliably attached a bed and there are no protruding acute elements, jar, capable of harming the crumb.

Next, we will deal with the preparation of the bedroom to the arrival of his new owner. All internal filling of the crib will have to be purchased separately. At the bottom of the mattress, the children's bed, for the entire internal perimeter, fix the so-called "defense". With the help of two clamps, fastened to the bed bracket, on its top removable part we dress the canopy and musical mobile. The latest elements are not mandatory, but harmoniously complement the crib and will be useful during the first second year of the baby's life.

During the use of the bed, it is recommended to periodically check the quality of all attachments and the integrity of the main parts. After all, the gem must sleep in the most reliable and cozy place.

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