How to brew ginger for weight loss

How to brew ginger for weight loss

The fact that ginger is an active weight wrestler has long been not secret information or a novelty. And one of the most efficient and easy to use ways to lose weight with ginger is considered to be used in the form of a drink. How to properly brew the root of this plant for the purpose of weight loss and with what is about this and talk.

What is the power of ginger to lose weight

The fat-burning force of the root of this plant gives its "hot" composition: essential oils, vitamins (B1, B2, C, a), microelements (phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc), gingegerol, camphine, cinetol, indispensable amino acids. Thanks to this, he strikes an excess weight from four directions:

  1. Enhances thermogenesis, that is, it makes the body produce more heat, and therefore spend more energy on exchange and intracellular processes, digestion and blood circulation.
  2. Stimulates digestion, facilitating digestion processes, contributing to a full absorption of nutrients, eliminating gas formation, neutralizing infectious agents and removing the feeling of nausea.
  3. Adjusts hormones, or rather it establishes the balance between cortisol and insulin, which also have an important impact on our weight. Thus, the cortisol is the culprit of the accumulation of "stocks" in stress and starvation conditions, and insulin is his opponent, which by adjusting the level of glucose gives a feeling of hunger.
  4. It gives energy due to powerful, but safe (if not to abuse the dose of 4 g per day) stimulation of the brain circulation, relieves muscle pain (relevant for those who lose weight correctly - with physical exertion) and perfectly begrit.


How to brew and drink ginger for weight loss

Ginger has a fairly strong impact, so you need to know how to contact him correctly, so as not to turn into harm.

Brewing ginger can be in several ways:

  1. Classic: peeled and crushed (cubes, slices, on a grater) root is cooked in boiling water for 10 minutes, after which it is filtering and drinking without any additives. Classic proportions: on 1 sheet of water root measuring 10-12 cm (the concentration of ginger can be reduced to taste).
  2. Simplified classic: just pour ginger boiling water and insist 5-7 minutes.

Drink drinks better before meals in the first half of the day in an amount up to 100 ml per reception. You can make interval drink - every couple of hours.

Contraindications for giving ginger tea

As already mentioned, ginger is a very potent means, so we will definitely touch and restrictions when it is not recommended to use it for weight loss. These include:

  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, stones in the bustling bubble or ducts, reflux, ulcerative colitis);
  • high body temperature.

It is not necessary to get involved in a ginger drink, otherwise you can feel the "protest" of the body in the form of allergies, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.

Recipes of a ginger drink for slimming with citrus

Citrus power in relation to normalization of weight is no less known, so the combination of them with ginger is even more efficient. To make sure, try the recipe with ginger and lemon, for which it is enough to brew classic ginger tea and in the already chilled drink. Add a pleasant to your taste receptors. Number of lemon and honey.
An even simpler option is optimal for the summer hot period - adding to the finished cold ginger tea of \u200b\u200bfreshly squeezed orange juice.

Gingerbell recipes with green tea and coffee

Another example of a double effect is ginger and green tea or green coffee. To make a gingerbell with green tea, you can simply add a couple of thin gibble slices to the tea leaves and brew, as usual.

You can "freeze" a little and try the recipe for Korean:

  • 10 g of green tea;
  • 4 g of ginger powder;
  • zedra of one lemon (in a grated form);
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Fused 7 minutes of drink can drink 100 ml during the day.

The coffee-ginger drink is preparing exclusively made of ground green coffee and grated fresh ginger root taken in equal parts:

  • 2 h. L. green coffee;
  • 2 h. L. grated ginger root.

You can cook it in the Turk, without bringing a drink to a boil, or in a french press. In the latter case, pour a mixture of hot water (about +90 degrees), but not boiling water. "Recommend" the taste of the drink can be added a small amount of cloves, cinnamon or lemon juice.

Recipes of ginger tea slimming with spices

It is possible to supplement the fatty power of the ginger root with spices. In finished ginger tea (at the rate of 1/4 tsp graded root) You can add: 1 Cinnamon stick (or 1 tsp. Ground spices) or a pinch of ground pepper (red or black - your taste). The resulting drink must necessarily stand for 20 minutes.

The power of ginger in relation to weight loss can not be exaggerated - it really works. Big plus that many recipes of a ginger drink provides to choose for yourself the most acceptable to taste, which makes the weight reset process more enjoyable. However, remember that ginger will show amazing results only in a team with sports and a diet.

Comments leave a comment
Yarina 12/10/2021 at 20:42.

There can be nothing about slimming anything ... .. I still seem that there is nothing better than the calorie deficit. But for the damping of the ginger is useful .... Worth the problem with it often for excess weight and lead. I am still for the prevention of endocrinol on the basis of the White Papers, I accept the phytomarket in the online store. Weight everything is in order, and health.


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