How to tempt

How to tempt

Immunity of the current generation cannot be called effective. Even with minor changes of weather conditions, we get another cold. Some people are sick to ten times a year, which brings significant inconveniences and economic costs. There are many ways to increase immunity. One of the most natural and efficient is hardening.

Why do we have a worsening weather

With the deterioration of weather conditions, the human body is facing low air temperature together with high humidity. Such a combination leads to rapid body cooling. In itself, the supercooling is not an etiological factor in colds. In the environment surrounding, the environment is full of viruses, mushrooms and bacteria that constantly fall into our body and live in it. And only our immune system holds them from reproduction. When the body is cooled, an unadapted immunity fails, which makes it possible to multiply pathological microorganisms and lead to the disease.
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What is the essence of hardening

As already mentioned, unadapted immunity is not able to resist the sharp changes in the temperature of the body, which unlocks the hands of various pathogens. To prepare the immune system to such stress, hardening was invented. Its essence consists in gradual and methodic effects on the organism of low temperatures. This adapts immunity to temperature changes in real conditions, at which it will not fail.

Where to start hardening

If you decide to temper, you should never hurry and overdo it. If you immediately start with swimming in the hole or jump in the snow, everything can end with pneumonia or worse. You need to start with minimal impact on the body. Each morning, lower the feet of the legs into the cold water. Start from 30 seconds. Each week add to this time for another 30 seconds. Maximum comfortable time each has its own. You must determine your maximum time. Such a procedure at first glance seems ineffective, but at the feet there is a powerful network of nerve endings that transmit pulses to the entire body.

Cold shower for hardening

After a few months, you can move to more radical methods. Cold shower should not be taken after exercise. You need to start from 10 seconds. If your body moves well with cold water, you can add every week to 20-30 seconds. Taking a cold shower, it is worth limiting the getting of cold water on the head. Cold water can cause a spasm of brain vessels, which leads to headaches. After receiving the soul, it is necessary to carefully seek and not be on the draft. After the third month of the reception of the cold soul, you can go to the contrasting shower. Its essence consists in a change in warm and cold water at intervals of 30 seconds.

Not recommended procedures for hardening

In many, the process of hardening is associated with a dilapidation of cold water on the street and swimming in the hole. The first option is not fundamentally won by the cold soul. And if it can be poured into cold windmother, it is easily overestimated by the power of immunity. These procedures can be performed only after several years of ordinary hardening, provided that it is effective and you almost do not ill.

Remember before starting hardening, you need to examine the doctor. There are many chronic diseases that are contraindicated to temperature loads on the body. There is also no procedure for acute infectious diseases. In this case, the hardening will not train immunity, but will only aggravate the situation.

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Toma 06/07/2018 at 14:54.

Hardening is, of course, great ... But I do not have enough courage and the forces of will)) I don't like the cold at all ... Therefore, immunity strengthens the syrup of Rosehip and Kurkumin Evalarov. Principle, the effect is also a good-sick rarely, which says that immunity is in order)

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