How often can you masturbate

How often can you masturbate

Masturbation (onanism) is a normal, natural process, with which the nervous voltage is removed and hormones are released. During masturbation, the level of endorphins in the blood increases, thereby improving sleep quality, it helps to remove stress, defeat depression. The scientific society has long been proven to the benefit of masturbation for the male and female organism. But this process is useful only when they do no more often than the sharp need for sex, an irresistible physical need. Otherwise, onanism becomes a harmful habit, capable of making harm to the human body.

Benefit and harm masturbation for women

Drawing up onanism, the woman not only gets an emotional discharge and satisfies its needs, but also gets unquestive benefit to female health.

  • During masturbation, the neck of the uterus is drawn up and its mucous membrane, the outflow of biological fluids occurs, the bacteria are derived from the body naturally. This process protects the cervix and urinary pathways from various infections and diseases.
  • Masturbation is the best defender from venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancy.
  • Posseably affects the nervous system.
  • Increases self-esteem.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, which prevents the causes of incontinence of urine, the dullness of sensations during sexual intercourse, the fallout of the uterus.

Of course, to answer how often masturbating, the woman must be based on its physical needs and health status. But doctors recommend to engage in self-satisfaction with a frequency from 1 time per week to 1-2 times a day, avoiding menstruation days.

How often can you masturbate a man?

Masturbation prevents the occurrence of prostate cancer, cystitis, the diabetes of the second type. But men, and especially adolescent guys, it must be remembered that the frequent selection of self-satisfaction is fraught with such consequences:

  • deterioration and slowdown in physical development;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • disappearance of the desire of intimate proximity;
  • ignoring sexual intercourse;
  • difficulties with the institution of close relationship with the opposite sex.

Men are recommended to make masturbation no more than four times a week. This quantity is enough to support potency, satisfy your libido, remove stress and nervous tension.

What problems do men avoid masturbation?

Occasionally engaged in "manual work" a man avoids such health problems as:

  • stagnation sperm;
  • depression;
  • prostate cancer;
  • sexual tension.

So, we found out that not very frequent masturbation is useful for potency, maintaining male and female health. You should always listen to your body and not to turn the process of masturbation into that bad habit, which will eventually manage you and create difficulties in personal life. It is important to know the measure in everything.

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