How to increase potency

How to increase potency

The deterioration of potency can be observed at any age. In this case, the problem is almost always possible to solve quite simple ways. Stress, abuse of fatty food, as well as nicotine, adversely affects blood circulation in the penis, which leads to erectile dysfunction. In this article we will tell you how to improve potency with medication and folk remedies.

It is not necessary with rare problems with the erection to resort to the reception of medicines. Try to sleep well and quit smoking. It has long been proven that Nicotine significantly reduces blood circulation in the sex member of a man. Try to completely abandon beer, it contains substances that are reminded by female hormones in their actions. If you were invited to the holiday, drink some vodka or wine.

How to increase potency

Watch your weight. Men with superfluous kilograms suffer from reducing potency. Because of the large mass of the belly, the vessels of a small pelvis moves, the blood does not enter the field of genital organs. In addition, cholesterol contained in fatty food forms plaque inside vessels, which also reduces the erection.

How to increase potency

If the rejection of smoking and alcohol does not help, and you still have problems communicating with female floors, you can try folk methods. Great walnuts, seafood, chocolate, chicken yolks and honey. Prepare a special cocktail. To do this, in the blender, pour a little sour cream and pose a handful of walnuts. Grind products and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take up the contents of the blender cup. Use such a cocktail in the morning, the result will not wait long for a long time.

How to increase potency

Purchase the garlic tincture in the pharmacy. It must be taken 25 drops in the morning and in the evening. Stit on the grater two medium-sized carrots. Put the puree for gauze and squeeze juice. In the resulting liquid, add a tablespoon of honey. Take a means 4 times a day by half a cup before meals. Perfectly improves the potency of the median. It can be used in fresh or dry. Green leaves add to soups and salads. If you could not get fresh grass, take a decoction from dry leaves instead of tea.

How to increase potency

Strengthen the inflow of blood to the sexual member with the help of medical drugs. Now in the pharmacy you can find many medicines that are characterized by price. These drugs are considered the most efficient:

  • Viagra;
  • Cialis;
  • Levitra.

After taking the tablet, the erection occurs after 15-20 minutes. At the same time, it does not assocbiate with excitation. Do not abuse such medicines, as psychological addiction can develop.

Sometimes problems with potency occur due to pituitary dysfunction. Very little prolactin is allocated to the body, which contributes to the development of testosterone. A hormonal balance is violated, which can be restored by making the prolactin injection.

How to increase potency

Do not run the problem and try to decide it on time. Contact urologist, he will find out the cause of sexlessness and help eliminate it. Perhaps the decline in erection is caused by overwork.

Comments leave a comment
Oleg 11/12/2017 at 19:42.

Thanks for the advice.

To answer
Alla 12/22/2017 at 20:41.

My husband from stresses depends very much the quality of the erection, and age is no longer youthful, even began to notice that he drinks a tablet one hour before Intima and then everything passes just on perfectly. I asked if it was not harmful to what he answered me that the dose of Viatayl was safe, and he studied everything about him that this study was passed ... And the husband in this plan is scrupulous for me, it means that it is.

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Karina 12/06/2018 at 15:03

And my husband after 50 began to take Wildegra. According to the effect, no worse than the Viagra, compared together))) and in terms of cost, much cheaper. Bought a big packaging: and profitable, and enough for a long time.

To answer
Zarem 20/06/2018 at 8:13.

I know all these problems with the erection ... Of course, few people wish this. But thank God now many competent doctors. My ordinary polyvitamins for men (Mans formula Potential Forte) and advised to go to balanced food. Ultimately, it's all great helped ... Now there are no problems yet)

To answer
Margarita 12/08/2018 at 15:50

It depends on the supply of a lot. In addition, which is balanced, so also products with elevated zinc content must be. I prepare my own only in Multivarka, no fried dishes. And it periodically drinks the course effects of the triumulus, one-time preparations does not recognize.

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egor. 09/30/2019 at 8:59.

i was prescribed ERONESTIL, it helps well, but it is necessary to heat the course, if once again, then the effect is short-lived, checked on himself. But after the course for months there are five problems

To answer
bogdan 08/09/2021 at 15:30

much depends on meals I have when problems with potency were for a rapid effect I drank the Wirerers pills. They helped but drinking them constantly I did not want to be disconnected. I read on the Internet and realized that I did not eat right. Began to change the diet and lifestyle and after that it became much better, the potency ceased to be a problem for me.

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