How to sleep

How to sleep

Who did not tell himself - that's on Sunday, I finally sleep. And on the weekend half a day I was lying in bed, trying to prove to myself that one day in bed compensates for all sleepless hours in a week. This approach to sleep is absolutely wrong, because it is necessary to sleep fully every day. If you have problems with sleep, then read our advice.

The most important thing is not to satisfy yourself on pills that really help to fall asleep, but in the future you can no longer sleep without them. Sad preparations assign only a doctor, and usually it happens only in extreme cases: a nervous breakdown, a strongest shock, state after complex operations.

Start setting up for a dream for two. Take a warm bath, turn on soft music. Do not look before bedtime TV and do not play computer games - it is better to read an interesting book.

Take the rule not to go for the night. Have a walk for three hours before departing to sleep, and very easy - select from boiled chicken, yogurt, tea with crackers, fruit. If you fail to fall asleep, drink a glass of warm milk with honey.

The mattress and a sleeping pillow must be very comfortable. The blanket is light, but warm. Bed linen and clothing for sleeping should be posted in the same criteria.

The bedroom should be a bedroom, and not a working office. Do not put a TV or computer in the bedroom. Better buy dense dark curtains that completely close the windows during sleep.

In the evening, try to completely forget about work. Do not build plans for tomorrow and do not lead business conversations by phone. Try to walk in the fresh air and talk to homemade.

Someone these tips will seem very primitive. But sleep "on request" does not happen, he must come to you yourself. And you should only help the body tune in to the fertile night's sleep.

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Rita 04/08/2018 at 18:35

I have not regularly sat down regularly for the last six months, I just could not sleep and that's it. I went to the doctor, I advised me to pepotofan's peace formula and Valerian before bedtime-literally 10 droplets on a glass of water. Fall asleep became much better, well, and sleep too, of course)

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