Ginseng root for men

Ginseng root for men

Since Adam, humanity sought to improve the quality of his life, extend longevity, support health. Medicine has not developed such a rapid pace, therefore, signhard and herbalism flourished. Palm Championship belongs to the people of Asia. It is this side of the world that is the birthplace of ginseng. The value of the root of the plant is especially important for men, what you will learn from our article.

From a biological point of view, ginseng is a long-lived, as it can grow 100-150 years. The root of its cylindrical shape with processes has a length of up to 25 cm, and the thickness is up to 2.5 cm. Inside it is white or yellow.

Charles b. Ming Onn What is useful than ginseng

The list of useful elements contained in perennials is very impressive. It is noteworthy that the maximum concentration is observed at the end of the vegetative period:

  • Saponins are special elements that, according to the latest experiments over patients with diabetes mice, accelerate insulin production, have an expectorant effect.
  • Polyacetylene - substances, indispensable to fight leukemia, cancer cells, fungal diseases.
  • Peptides, polysaccharides and essential oils.
  • Vitamins B, C, E, folic acid, resin.
  • Most of the micro and macroelements needed: iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, metallic salts Germany.

The most famous useful effect of ginseng for men is to increase potency. His root refers to the strongest Aphrodisiacs. This tool is already popular for about five thousand years. The plant action is based on the creation of a normal hormonal background, activating the metabolism of the body, accelerating blood flow to the sexual organ. It is used to eliminate physiological and moral impotence, prevent diseases of the reproductive system and a decrease in libido.

Plant market-in-Seoul-Ginseng

Ginseng root although it is not a medical drug, but still has some restrictions in the application. It is not recommended to use if there is a history of high pressure problems, sleep disorders, an increased expansion of the nervous system, infectious diseases, epilepsy, allergic reactions. The reason to immediately stop the reception of the funds serve such symptoms:

  • Rash and itching.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Eveniness of respiratory authorities.
  • Strong dizziness and nausea.

To minimize the side effects of the drug, it is recommended to be taken in the morning as early as possible either immediately before falling asleep. It is also impossible to exceed the prescribed dose instructions.

There are several forms in which it is possible to take ginseng root:

  • Alcohol tincture. You will need to be confused in fine dust 30 g of dry root and stir it with 1 liter of vodka. Potion is preparing 3-4 weeks, periodically scolding the container. After the tincture, filter and take 20 drops before eating for 45 days. After a monthly interval, repeat the course.
  • Decoction. To cook it, fill 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of the crushed root of 0.5 l of cold water and boil over 3-5 minutes. Before use cool.
  • Tea. Take a dry product, crushed into flour, and pour boiling water in proportion 1 to 10. After 10 minutes, the drink is ready. Drink it across the tablespoon 20 minutes before meals. Cycle of treatment - 1 month.
  • Honey-ginseng jelly. 25 g of ginseng ground root mix with 0.7 liters of liquid honey. Leave it in 10 days. Take it, like tea, only on a dessert spoon.

Actually, on this useful properties of ginseng root do not end. This is a natural stimulant youth and health.

Comments leave a comment
Nazar 20/06/2018 at 8:12.

Ginseng is really a very cool thing. The doctor of infusions with him recommended to take together with Mans the formula Potential Forte to enhance the erection. I do not know that it worked better from this, but in the end, intimate life was improving, and even brighter)

To answer
Vitya 27/11/2019 at 8:01

Infusions on the root of ginseng saw when with impotence collided. He helped, but only for a while .... He understood the case later that only medications can help. Began Effect Tribulus to accept and multivitamins. Only this is ultimately and returned male health))

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