How to diversify intimate life

How to diversify intimate life

Over time, intimate life between lovers becomes not so bright and rich, since the passion is replaced by strongest, but also less fervent feelings, such as friendship, relatives, affection and others. Some people are easily worried, but for others it turns out not very good. In such cases, it is worth finding ways to diversify sexual life, which we will talk about in this article.

How to diversify intimate life - monotony kills

Most often, the reason for the extinction of intimate relationships between his favorite people becomes one of the same name - the same place, poses, costumes ... Agree, if every day there is a favorite food, then over time she is pretty tired, and you no longer want it? So with sex.

Do you always have sex in one pose? So change it, even if your second half is greatly surprised and does not immediately agree to it. Believe me, it will only benefit your intimate relationships.

Lack of place - solved problem to diversify intimate life

In many pairs, an intimate life disappears only because "no means" - houses are children, parents, other relatives, and there are no moments that someone is not in the apartment. But you can always rent a room in the hotel and arrange a romantic dinner there followed by the continuation.

Or you can remember youth and engage in this in the car, in nature, in the country. Options Weight, and even if it seems to you that you are no longer at that age to have sex in such places, try and make sure that this is a great way to revive intimate life.

How to diversify intimate life. Suddenly - does not mean bad

In many married couples, sex happens "on schedule", it is planned in advance, and this negatively affects the sexual relations of partners. Implement the element of surprise - "attack" in the beloved unexpectedly-nigandino in the middle of the day, perhaps in some unusual place.

How to diversify intimate life - intimate correspondence

Almost all couples communicate with each other during the day, when one or both are at work / studies, but usually this communication is reduced to the discussion of this home or study, evening planning, problems and other consumer conversations. From the very beginning, it is not an ordinary correspondence from the very beginning (and it must be the correspondence), and the piquant. Describe what you would do with your loved one in bed, in which posture. Feel free to discover all your fantasies, but only dosage carefully, otherwise you can overdo it and in the evening you do not want anything.

How to diversify intimate life - mirror near the bed

Put the mirror near the bed, slightly muffle the light and start having sex. This practice shows that people are becoming more sensual, open, just do not think to look at the reflection of our shortcomings, otherwise you can make it only worse for our intimate relationships.

How to diversify intimate life - take part in your own erotic cinema

Surely you saw the films of erotic content, and everything looked beautiful and passionately. Remove your process to the camera, and imagine yourself as pornakters. You should not replay, behave naturally, but do not forget that you are removed. In life, not everything is like in a movie, and possibly browsing the footage "Material" you will be laughed with a partner from the heart, but during the process you can get new sensations.

How to diversify intimate life - pretend sleeping

Perhaps this is strange, but sometimes this practice does not hurt - you seem to sleep and allow you to do with your man everything as I want him, while not reacting and not moving, only occasionally postponing. Many men like it.

How to diversify intimate life - role-playing games

It would seem that role-playing games are a classic, but only a small number of couples use them in their intimate life. If you never or rarely "scared", then try to diversify your relationships and role-playing games. Suits can be bought in a sex shop, but if prices bite there, they can be made themselves or order on the Internet, prices are much lower there. Ask your partner that he excites him again, and start with this.

Intimate is an integral part of the relationship, and without him everything slowly, but confidently roll down. There is a lot of way to diversify sex life, use them and see that it is not only sex, but also the relationship.

Comments leave a comment
Milan 02/22/2018 at 21:00

Very interesting and useful article, especially for those who knew no one dozen living together. They themselves were in such a situation, only her husband also began problems with potency. Speed \u200b\u200bEffects Tribulus, more than greenery eaten and seafood, they act well on it. Arranged romantically evenings, walked together.

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