How to stop shy in bed

How to stop shy in bed

The very first reason, due to which women feel silent in bed - dissatisfaction with their body, uncertainty in their attractiveness. It is these complexes that interfere with relax and surrender to the partner completely.

You can overcome the constraint. It is important to understand for yourself that we do not like in yourself, what fears are overcome by the thought of intima. Work on the complexes. All fears go out of the head. Fear to look ridiculous, fear to cause disappointment from a partner, dissatisfaction with his own body - all this prevents relaxing and enjoying.

Stiffness and constraint during sex interfere with not only a woman to enjoy intimacy with a partner, but also instills uncertainty in a man. A man begins to feel the part of the partner and begins to assume that the problem of such behavior in it. Since the constraint prevents the woman to relax, respectively, the degree of excitement is low, as well as its activity during sex. This is reflected both on the excitation of the partner and on the quality of sex. As a result, both partners do not get the desired pleasure and do not receive satisfaction in the desired amount. Subsequently, this may cause conflict and even lead to parting.

How to stop shy in bed - how to learn to relax

  • Learn to love yourself and your body. At home, being in full peace and loneliness, allow yourself to go naked. It becomes opposite the mirror, carefully consider ourselves, look for in itself dignity, get used to the disadvantages. There are no ideal bodies, everyone has shortcomings. It is necessary to remember one thing that your partner chose you exactly, he loves you and he likes your body. And the fact that you are afraid to show your drawbacks are just your fears. Perhaps what you do not like in your body is on the contrary, attracts. The sex is not so important the perfect body as the ability to feel the partner, to give him completely, dissolving in it. The ability to deliver the partner with pleasure, to start a partner so that he burns from desire - much more important for him than your ideal proportions.
  • Trust in the partner, talking to souls will help you be more digested in bed. Try to discuss with him that he likes in sex, which is exactly what it starts, from what it is excited. Also, you tell the partner what you like to do not like. When you are extremely frank each other, it will be easier for you to trust the partner and eventually disappear.
  • Learn to feel your body. Find erogenous zones, study them. Left alone, spend experiments. Learn to understand what attachments and in which areas of the body give you pleasure. Subsequently, you can tell a partner, or tend it carefully to understand what excites you. In the excited state there will be no place for the scene.
  • Sign up for strip plastic courses or start to engage in oriental dances. This will help you to liberate and better feel and manage your body.
  • It is very important to care for your body. You can, both in beauty salons and yourself at home. A smooth, well-groomed body looks always beautiful, even if extra kilograms are present. No excess hair on the body will give you more confidence in its irresistible. Body masks, cream and peeling will give the skin of radiance and silkiness. Various massages will give skin elasticity, help to correct small flaws.

How to stop shy in bed - Small tricks

  • The muffled red light in the bedroom will give an atmosphere of intimacy, successfully hides the shortcomings and advantageously emphasize the merits of your figure.
  • Red light can be replaced with aromatic candles, having received double benefits. With the light of candles, the female body looks insanely sexually, and the fragrance will help to relax.
  • Beautiful properly selected underwear will help favorably emphasize the forms and attract the attention of your partner to the parts of the body you need, thereby scrubling the shortcomings.
  • Imagine yourself with sexual and liberated seductive. Let's notice how you will seduce and please your partner. Take the intima process into your hands. Feel yourself with a teller.
  • Turn on the slow composition. It will give you to tune in to the desired way and distract from extraneous thoughts.
  • Before you intimate, you can take a joint bath with foam. Foam will help you handle with constraint. But at the same time, the intimate atmosphere will help you better explore each other, will provide an opportunity to relax and trust a partner.
  • The bedroom is a place for caress and sex. All problems must remain beyond.

How to stop shy in bed - Tips for a psychologist

  • Psychologists recommend to go to bed naked or walking around the house in underwear. Thanks to this, you will begin to get used to your body and take it with all the shortcomings.
  • The benefit will also go sports. According to psychologists, a woman, even after one classes and without while visible results, still begins to feel more confident.
  • Stop being too critical to yourself and look for shortcomings in your body. It is important to love yourself and remember that there are no ideal people. Remember - the man does not sharpen attention to the trifles, and perceives the picture as a whole.
  • He learns to prevent himself to prevent himself and try not to demonstrate its pressure. Then the partner will be focused on pleasure, and not an attempt to find out the reason for your behavior and close viewing of you in search of this reason.
  • Learn to relax. Being in bed with a partner, the least worth thinking about how at the moment you look. Being near you, a man is least thinking about your shortcomings. All thoughts are aimed at obtaining pleasure. Try and you enjoy the process.

  • When choosing aromatic candles, give preference to woody and citrus smells. They are natural aphrodisiacs.
  • Listen to yourself, to your desires and sensations. Feel free to direct the parquet, do not be afraid to be frank in my desires - it will benefit both.
  • Remember, the better you will learn, the more pleasure you can get from the partner. Do not think about sex, as something shameful. Be sure to convince you that this is the same part of your life as a dream or the adoption of the soul.
  • Try to think not only about your pleasure, but on how to satisfy your partner. Then you will not have time to think about your constraint.

Remember that the most sexual for men at all times, women who could conquer them are not external beauty, and their charm, a sense of humor, the ability to present themselves. Boldly show yourself and do not have barriers in bed with your beloved man. And he will certainly appreciate it.

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