How to find out what an allergy in a child

How to find out what an allergy in a child

A child can show allergic reactions to any external stimulus - dust, food, surrounding household items and animal wool. This can occur at any age as a result of an immature digestive system, reduced immunity or individual characteristics of the body. Of course, this pathology requires treatment. But how is allergic in children manifests, and what method can determine the source of the disease?

Allergy in a child - provoking factors

The allergic response of the immune system in children occurs as a result of contact with allergens. For the convenience of diagnosing the disease, they are divided into several categories:

  • Household allergens - dust, means of cosmetics and household chemicals.
  • Food allergens are exotic fruits, seafood, honey, synthetic additives in products.
  • Pollen allergens - pollen trees, colors, cereals.
  • Medicinal allergens are all drugs, including homeopathy.
  • Epidermal allergens - protein present in animal wool, dandruff, insect vital products.
  • Infectious allergens - disputes of fungi, viruses, parasites, bacteria.

Allergies in children manifests itself in different ways. It can be a rash, cough, attacks of suffocation, meteorism, rhinitis, swelling, itching, wheezing, dermatitis.

Allergy in a child - laboratory diagnostic methods

The most reliable way to determine the cause of allergies is a laboratory study:

  • Allergothes is an informative test on the skin "In vivo", allowing you to clearly define the pathogen. The procedure provides for applying allergen-provocateurs to the skin or mucosa with further study of the response of the organism. Allergotes are shown after 3 years and is carried out with a laboratory assistant allergist in a medical institution.
  • The blood test to the IGE immunoglobulin level is an informative and safe method for studying venous blood. It does not have age restrictions and is shown to children from the fifth day after birth. At the same time, there is no risk of developing an acute allergic reaction to an allergen, as when conducting an allergob. In this way, more than 200 types of antigens are determined.

Before conducting both procedures, the child must at least 7 days be on a gentle diet, physical and emotional loads should be excluded.

Allergy in a child - Definition of allergen without laboratory research

In case of impossibility of conducting skin samples or take blood from the vein, you can try to find out the cause of allergies yourself:

  • Food diary. This method is suitable if the allergy of food origin. On the advice of the allergist, all potential allergens are removed from the diet, and then one is offered to the child. At the same time, parents must record the body's response into each product.
  • An alternate exclusion of contact antigens. It is important to determine what has changed in the environment 5-10 days before allergies appeared, and then isolate the child from this subject. Moreover, it can be washing powder, shampoo, toy, furniture, mold, paints and even new dishes, so you need to consider any little thing.
  • Seasonal manifestation of allergies. If the allergy manifested itself in the spring-summer period, it is worth eliminating the influence of pollen of plants.

It is very important to find the source of allergens on time, which affect the immune system of the kid. The method of waiting or ignoring the problem will lead to the transition of the disease in a chronic form, which may interfere with the child for lifelong treatment from allergies.

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