How to find out what is allergic

How to find out what is allergic

Allergies are a disease that can manifest itself at any time. An allergic reaction can provoke literally any product, a thing and even natural phenomena. Do not notice the appearance allergies It is almost impossible for anything, since the body instantly gives you to know about the presence of an irritant.

The appearance of allergies - what can provoke?

Often, when an allergic reaction appears, a person is trying for a long time to establish the cause. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult, exists list various stimuli surrounding man.

  • Living conditions. This category implies the presence of a large amount of dust in the house. It can be everywhere, ranging from the shelves, ending with books.
  • Epidermal conditions. Irriters in the form of dandruff and feline or dog wool.
  • Pollen stimuli. This group consists of natural stimuli, such as flower pollen, poplar fluff and plants.
  • Food stimuli. Manifestation of an allergic reaction to any product. Often an irritant is any vegetable Or fruit, less rare the cause of allergies can become meat products, sugar, dairy products and other food.
  • Medicinal provocateurs. Allergies to the components of medical preparations are quite common. In case a person does not understand that the medicine provokes allergies, it can cause Grave harm to the body.
  • Infections. The presence of fungus, infection, virus and other parasites in the human body can also provoke an allergic reaction.

Provocateurs of an allergic reaction in the world around the world are a huge set, but it is possible to easily identify the cause of allergies, for this it is necessary to pay attention to the surrounding conditions, with which the uncomfortable response of the human body arises.

Symptoms of allergies

Recognize the appearance of an allergic reaction is quite simple, because it is accompanied by several characteristic manifestations:

  • Skin itching and redness, as well as rash, similar to the gloomy.
  • Frequent cough, not accompanied by symptoms of colds.
  • Rubber in long time.
  • Vomiting, nausea, unpreciful diarrhea.
  • Strong swelling in the face of the face and other parts of the body.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Painness in the joints.

The presence of 1-2 manifestations from the above-mentioned list of symptoms indicates the presence of an irritant in the human body. These symptoms are a kind of "bell" from the body, when the manifestation of which is recommended to immediately appeal for help from a specialist and eliminate the cause of allergies.

How to understand that allergy

It is possible to carry out the diagnosis of an allergic disease, not only independently, eliminating the proposed irritant from the vital activity of a person, but also by various medical methods of diagnosis.

  • Checking the reaction of the skin. Procedure It implies the introduction of special injections, when obtaining a positive result of which you can learn about the presence of an allergic reaction to any substance.
  • Skin scarification. Several different allergens are applied to the patient's body portion, then minor scratches are made using a scarifier. In the formation of edema and other skin reactions, the type of allergen is determined.
  • Measurement of the level of immunoglobulin E. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to reveal how strong the human body brings an allergen.
  • Allergy provoking. This diagnostic method should be carried out strictly under the control of a qualified specialist. An experimental allergist puts under the tongue or dripping several allergic substances into the nose, after which the body's response is monitored. When allergic manifest, fixes the formation of allergic reactions For any pathogen and prescribe competent treatment.

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