How to get a quota on eco

How to get a quota on eco

Reproductive medicine is one of the most expensive industries. First, innovative technologies are involved, secondly, the efforts of specialists from various fields of medicine, thirdly, a serious technical base, which includes the latest laboratories, equipment and so on. Therefore, to solve the problem of infertility pair will be completely expensive. However, the state budget provides a federal quota for ECO - extracorporeal fertilization.

Eco is one of the most effective ways to combat infertility. With this procedure, embryos that have been cultivated in laboratory conditions are attached to the uterus to a woman. In order to get the quota for this kind of fertilization, the attending physician must give you a diagnosis - infertility. For this conclusion, there are a number of indications. This is the obstruction of phallopy pipes, violation of the ovarian functions or the lack of the ovulation process, male infertility, female infertility of an unidentified genesis.

To get the desired quota, you should ask the gynecologist to write a conclusion in the form in which the diagnosis and recommendations for ECO will be indicated. Before you, you have to go a rather impressive examination, in particular a list of analyzes that you need to pass is quite extensive. In addition, the tests will have to pass and your partner. And if your age is over 35 years old, the list risks becoming even more. At the same time, the shelf life of analyzes should be taken into account - from 14 days to 1 year. Pass analyzes, including paid, you will have at your own expense.

Prepare a package of documents. They will go to the WCC, within 3 days the commission will consider them and will decide. If the decision on your question is approved, the documents will be sent to the Ministry of Health. If you refuse, then for this we must specify the reason or direct you to further.

The Ministry of Health negotiates with the reproductive center and gives you a coupon for the passage of the procedure. However, keep in mind that the clinic in which you will be sent, can also carry out further analyzes. You should not expect that this procedure will be held in the shortest possible time - you can go to the queue where the speed of eco will depend on your number.

It is worth noting that in addition to the federal coupling on Eco, there is also a regional one. True, this program is not in all regions, because this operation is quite expensive. There are a number of differences between the federal and regional quota. So, the state finances only one attempt to Eco, from the local budget you may be allocated for two. However, to submit an application for a federal quota can be repeatedly, while at the regional one - only once. To obtain a federal quota, the age of the patient does not matter for the regional - the age of a woman should not exceed 40 years. The federal quota will be issued independently of the marital status of a woman, regional - only in the case of an official marriage.

For 30 women, it should be remembered that time in this case works against them - the older the potential mother, the lower the efficiency of Eco. In addition, the risk is increasing not to endure the child. Therefore, by applying an application for a quota, in parallel, consider alternative ways to become pregnant, in case of refusal to free Eco.

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Yuliya!! 04/05/2016 at 23:03

Good evening !! Tell me please, I handed over the tests in a private clinic and there I was diagnosed not to pass the uterine pipe and the second I deleted me five years ago !! Will I get the quota on eco and what should I do !! Thank you !!

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