Nebulizer with a cold: recipes

Nebulizer with a cold: recipes

Nebulizer is a device that turns fluid into an aerosol. This apparatus is based on a compressor that supplies compressed air through a layer of fluid. The medicine, passing through the nozzles, turns into an aerosol. Nebulizer is often used to treat upper and lower respiratory tract. But with it, you can cure chronic nasal diseases. How to do it, we will tell further.

Features of the maintenance modes of the nebulizer for the treatment of the nose

Note, for the treatment of rhinitically nebulizer you need to use only the cannula for the nose. Through the mask, part of the medication settles on the bronchi. Also read the instructions for the device. Only half of the nebulizers are intended for the treatment of the nose. They adjust the particle size in the aerosol. For the treatment of nose diseases, a sprayer is used, which produces droplets with a size of 10 microns. It is the droplets of this size settled in the nasal strokes.

Nebulizer with a cold: recipes

It is worth considering that nebulizers are also used to treat non-hymorites. In this case, it is necessary to increase the speed of the device. After all, the medicine should get into the Gaymorny sinuses. When performing inhalation, make a deep breath through the nose and release air through the mouth. Try to make the substance not falling into bronchi.

Nebulizer with a cold: recipes


This is mineral water with a large content of alkali metal. It greatly dilutes the sputum and helps to reduce thick and green discharge from the nose. You need to pour 2-4 ml of water into the chamber of the sprayer (non-carbonated) and enhance with aerosol through the cannula for the nose.


This is an antibacterial drug that is sold in the form of ointments and solutions. For the treatment of rhiny, a solution is used to be mixed with saline. Take medications in equal amounts. The approximate volume of the mixture should be 4 ml. This inhalation is perfectly coping with thick nozzles of green.


The medicine is used to treat staphylococcal infection. After all, the pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes is often multiplied with ORVI. This causes adenoid and sinusitis. Sometimes enlarged adenoids lead to otitis. In order not to start the process, immediately make inhalation with chlorophilite. The alcohol solution is mixed with sodium chloride in a ratio of 1:10. Now nebulas for inhalation with a cooked chlorophilipte solution are sold in pharmacies. It is better to use it. 3 ml of a substance for one procedure is enough.

Nebulizer with a cold: recipes


This medicine is recommended for frequent colds and during the epidemic period. Note Farons are substitutes for their own immunity, so you do not need to use them often. For the treatment of a runny nose caused by a virus, mix the interferon ampoule with 2 ml of water for injection or saline. You need to breathe 2 times a day, applying the cannula for the nose.

Nebulizer with a cold: recipes


This is a tincture that is sold in a pharmacy. It is often used as an antiseptic. For inhalation, you need to take 40 parts of the saline on the 1st part of the calendula. Conduct a procedure 3-4 times a day for 5 minutes.

Nebulizer with a cold: recipes

For inhalations, the nebulizer is preparing a new solution every time. Do not leave the medicine in the spray chamber. Nozzles can score from crystallization medication. Do not self-medicate. Do not use boiled or water from under the tap for the preparation of solutions.

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Jora 09/15/2019 at 16:35

I can't say anything about the nebulizer, I don't have it ... Myrmitis himself treated with the help of tablets (Orvis Rino) + still drops special droplets, which himself made (on aloe juice and fir oil). All together and helped without any long spending to cope with this infection)


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