Monthly - bleeding, which are caused by peeling the mucous membrane of the uterus. Menstruation from a healthy woman occurs through a certain number of days. Each representative of the beautiful floor has different cycle.
Absolutely normal, if the "critical days" begin every 25-35 days. The beginning of the cycle is the first day when bleeding from the vagina begins. Having calculated the cycle of menstruation, you can plan your leisure, as "critical days" often cause refusing to travel to the sea or hike into the nightclub. To calculate the periodicity of menstruation, it is necessary to celebrate the date of the start of menstruation in the calendar for 6 months. In the case of the regularity of the selection, we can assume that the cycle is installed. For example, if the cycle is 25 days, then the monthly will "come" 6 days earlier than last month. That is, if your monthly started on January 7, the following "critical days" will come on February 1. Most women menstruation begins with a periodicity of 28-31 days. With the duration of the cycle in 1 month, it is very convenient to calculate the date of the next menstruation, they will begin on the same day. For example, the 5th day of each month.Remember, monthly - not punishment. This is a process, thanks to which a woman can become a mother. Correctly calculating the cycle of menstruation, it will be possible not only to plan your leisure, but also a pregnancy.
Not everyone has everything for sure. For example, I have a whole life cycle was some broken .... But it did not prevent and get pregnant, and give birth. So I do not see any difficulties. And in front of the climax, everything went to no. It helped to avoid a bad state that Phytoestrogens Evalarov immediately began to drink. This is the best tool, and natural. For well-being, all women after 40-50 years old recommend.